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Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.8 - Crystal Grotto,Club Destin-E, End

Written in July 2016

Part 8 and the final part of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

The day is about to end in Shanghai Disneyland since we've done almost everything in our to-do-list, we spend our last moment loitering around the park, taking photos of the scenery and makes as many beautiful memories as we can before we leave this magical place. Enjoy every event that happens.

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.7 - Meeting Mickey, Tarzan, Tomorrowland

Written in July 2016

Part 7 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

Who's the leader of the club? That's made for you and me! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!! At last! We met Mickey in Shanghai Disneyland! It was a great honour to see you Mickey o Pal! *warm hugs* What's that Mickey? There are more friends coming over? Ok now! Who else we will be meeting later on? Tarzan and Jane, King Louie, Kylo Ren and RD2D! OMG! That's fantastic!! *kayenoughwiththeselamejokes*

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.6 - Snow White and 7 Dwarfs, Tron, Roaring Rapids

Written in July 2016

Part 6 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

A new day, and a whole new fun in Shanghai Disneyland. We start off our 2nd day in the park by exploring the massive Enchanted Storybook Castle! Then, we utilize our time and fast passes and rode Tron for the 2nd time, pay a visit to the fairest of em' all, Ms Snow White and the hardworking 7 dwarfs. Not to forget! Queuing 90mins, just to wander what so mysterious about the roaring mountains...

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.5 - Toy Story Hotel

360 Shendi W Rd, Pudong Xinqu, Shanghai Shi, China, 200122

Written in July 2016

Part 5 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

You've got a friend in me~ You've got a friend in me~ We've got a friend in Shanghai, and it was the Toy Story Hotel!! Hahaha *cough lame af* The Toy Story Hotel is a Pixar themed hotel located in Shanghai Disney Resort. We stayed in this themed hotel for 2D1N; even though it was a short stay, we still had a great experience!! Definitely, a must stay for all, especially if you are a Toy Story fan! Today's post is only dedicated to this hotel and nothing else. Enjoy!

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.4 - Tron, Garden of Imagination, Ignite the Dream Fireworks

Written in July 2016

Part 4 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

Entering the new Digital era. *Three* Are you ready. *Two* Is time for Tron. *One* Swwwoooooshhhhhh!!!!!!
Part 4!! I really wish I could sound sci-fi-ish, but I can't.. sobs. Anyway, today's post gonna be interesting cause we will be sharing our first TRON ride experiences, first thought of the fireworks show, how we got lost in Disneyland or.. lost in wonderland...hmm...? And also meeting Rapunzel, our favorite Disney Princess!

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.3 - Belle, Tangled Restaurant, Fantasyland, Parade

Written in July 2016

Part 3 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

Long ago, in a land far far away, there lived a pair of twin princess. On one rainy afternoon, they decide to quest for an adventure, they walked and walked, until they arrive in a beautiful land where fairytales come to life. Princess and Vikings, fairies and pixie dust, honey pot and a willy nilly silly old bear!

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.2 - Treasure Cove, Meet & Greet, Adventure Isle, Marvel

Part 2 of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary.

Crazy. We are now officially steppin' into the property of Shanghai Disneyland! *Boo-yeah!*  In this part of the diary, we will explore Treasure Cove and be Pirates for a day, greet familiar faces in Mickey Avenue, soar over the horizon in Adventure Isle, and lastly! Gear up with Capt. America and Spiderman in Marvel Academy! Lezzgo!

Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.1 - Intro, Arrival

Written in July 2016

Not fancy of long words? You can read our short summary here 1|2|3|4 and full index here 5.

Hello all Disnerd and friends, we finally completed our 2D1N °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary! *dothehotdogdance* Our magical diary contains plenty of photos of Shanghai Disneyland as well as our thoughts and reviews of the park. Tho they say, a photo is worth a thousand words but we believe by writing we could record all the funny remarks or interesting things we’ve seen.