Our Disney Adventure
[Choo Choo] 01. Shanghai Disneyland 2016
Hi everyone! On June 22nd – 23rd 2016, we went to °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) in China! Coming from a Disney Fan in Malaysia, never in our life we thought we could visit the grand opening month of a Disney park!
The days we had in Shanghai Disneyland has been an experience of a lifetime, we made wonderful memories and we are thankful for this wonderful opportunity. We have written blog post documenting our Disney adventure here in our blog.You can find all of our Shanghai Disneyland Adventures posts by clicking the tag "Shanghai Disneyland" or below:
A summary post is a shorter version of our Travelogue.
- SHDL Pt.1 - Summary A: Preparation
- SHDL Pt.2 - Summary B: Before Entering
- SHDL Pt.3 - Summary C: Park Info & Review
- SHDL Pt.4 - Summary D: Our Park Itinerary
- SHDL Photopass Service
Our SHDL's travelogue is like our Diary. It contains more of our personal thoughts, reviews and photos of Shanghai Disneyland. We also document all of the events we had in the park.
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.1 - Intro, Arrival
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.2 - Treasure Cove, Meet & Greet, Adventure Isle, Marvel
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.3 - Belle, Tangled Restaurant, Fantasyland, Parade
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.4 - Tron, Garden of Imagination, Ignite the Dream Fireworks
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.5 - Toy Story Hotel
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.6 - Snow White and 7 Dwarfs, Tron, Roaring Rapids
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.7 - Meeting Mickey, Tarzan, Tomorrowland
- SHDL Travelogue Pt.8 - Crystal Grotto, Club Destin-E, Fireworks, End
Thank you for reading all of our Disney posts, I do hope our post managed to ignite the Disney magic in you and hopefully, encourage you to get out and experience a magical day of your own! Anything you wish to know, or if you have any question, you can leave a comment here and we’ll try our best to answer. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Till then,
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