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Review : Liese Bubble Hair Dye Antique Rose

So this is the color I should be expecting in the end.

Hi everyone! I had my hair dyed in the saloon few months ago and if you don't know, I sorta dyed my hair in a lighter shade of brown with purple ends. But a few weeks later, the purple faded and turn into a bleachy color that most of us don't like.

I think the bleach on my ends look owhkayy... but the one on my fringe look awful, and it gets worse once my black roots started to grow. "Your hair looks like that typical anime hair with 3 different tones, highlight, base, shadow" - Sis

And she's ain't lying...

I decided to use Liese (again) to fix my hair, but I do not know how should i do it this time or which was a better choice. Should I use:
 - a lighter tone, to cover up my dark roots? or
 - a darker tone, so my roots could blend with the new shade and probably look less visible.

Before making any purchase, I did some research on Liese Bubble Hair, and I SAW THIS:
" Liese Bubble Hair Color is not for bleached hair or hair that was dyed black before in the last 6 months." WHAT? Really?!ใƒฝ(๏พŸ〇๏พŸ)๏พ‰

I do not believe that statement. Still just to be saved, I try searching for a review if anyone uses it on bleach hair, instead, I stumbled across a new range of Leise product, the DARK TONE range. I wanted to give it a try since it stated that this new range can cover gray hair, so if they can cover gray hair.. why not bleach hair yea?

Which is why I bought,

Liese Bubble Hair Dye in Antique Rose
I love how the model has a slightly dark purple shine on her hair.

Instruction on the box

The color guide and how to use etc

What's included in the box

I'm not going to blog the process since I didn't take any picture, so I will just go onto the review.
The instruction said massage and apply the form onto the hair and leave it for about 30mins. I had it on my hair for 20mins +/- and my hair turns really dark after applying the foam, so I figured the longer the form stays on to my hair, the darker it’ll be.

I wasn't planning to go for a dark shade, I just want to get rid of the roots, so I rinse it super fast before it turns darker and darker. The moment I start rinsing... I don't know whether this should happen, but I saw the "Antique rose" color got wash off too. Never experiences this but I guess is normal..?

My Hair before.

After, It did not cover up my roots. again, maybe bcoz I only leave it less than 30 mins.
(sorry this was a Lil blurry)

Before and after comparison

My bleach ends turn slightly reddish too.


All cover up nicely!
(p,s bleached hair looks more yellowish here due to tungsten light) 

Well, I really like how my bleach-colored-fringe freakin' disappear after using Liese Hair Dye, but there's one problem, I do not have purple shine and it was reddish brown...I do not know why it was red, perhaps my base was very orangey...? I don't like red hair... O_O I don't know... maybe I'm not used to it yet or red don't seem to suit me.

1. Definitely covers up my yellow-ish bleach-y fringe perfectly! 100%
2. Very easy to apply. This was my 3rd time using btw.
3. My hair turns mega duper freakin softerr!! NO JOKE

Even though i have dry damaged hair before and the picture still shows the DRYNESS of my hair but in terms of touching with my fingers, it really do do do feel much softer. Just remember to wash your hair thoroughly, and condition afterward. Use the conditioning cream they provided! Is smell sooo good (Y)


1. It DID NOT cover up my roots.
 - It is either because I didn't leave it for 30mins or it totally prove that, Antique Rose doesn't work on black hair/ the color won't show up on black hair.
 2. The foam didn't show up? - During my previous experience with Leise, the foam show up and it made my hair so foamy and soapy but not this time. I BARELY see any foam.

Well in conclusion, I gave Liese Antique Rose a rating of 7/10.
It's under the Dark tone range and it does DARKEN my hair like a lot? Even though I'm not going for a Dark tone right now but for those who wanted to change their look to a darker tone, Liese new range definitely works. The color outcome, on the other hand, is very unpredictable... I cannot 100% guarantee if you could get the color from the box, or the color I have so please do consider that before purchasing.

In terms of the product and from my past experience, I actually like Liese bubble hair dye and would definitely recommend it! It’s easy to use, and comes in a reasonable price.Btw, for those who don't know, Liese Bubble hair dye is available at Watson at the price of RM38.

Till then. :)
Von ( ´ ▽ ` )๏พ‰

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