Hello everyone, it's been a while! My sister and I recently bought a number of items from Taobao, there is about 2-3 parcels in total and it would be fun to share an unboxing / haul post with you guys! P.S These items are budget friendly :)
What's Taobao
Answering from my personal perspective, It is a online shopping website where sellers in China set up their store digitally to sell their products online. It is basically the "Amazon" of China or Shopee in Malaysia. Most items are usually cheaper hence most Malaysian enjoy to shopping there.
*Please click the links but not copy and paste.
➊ Table Cloth
Once a heavy object fell on to my Ikea's LINNMON table, it left an ugly hole there. I need a cloth now to maintain it's aesthetic and keeping it clean.
╰ https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=589087309224
➋ Laptop Rack
My purpose of buying this is to have a subtle height lift not for my electronics but to hide them underneath!
╰ https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm&_u=42bb6fja98d0
➌ Artificial Tulip Bottle
It flower has a rubbery texture unlike many artificial plants which is plastic. That made it look sightly more natural, It does smells rubbery but it was a little better after giving it a wash.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=616273300656&_u=42bb6fja04dd
/ Organizing and Storage ✨
➊ Stationery Storage
It's feels like getting a "Muji" storage but way cheaper. It looks so much better in real life that it became one of my favorite product among all the organizing and storage items I've bought.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=613803114460&_u=42bb6fjae1d5
➋ Acrylic Stand
Due to it's fragile-ness, the item cracked in the midst of the shipping and broke into pieces when peel of the protective tape. It fits well to the minimalist theme, and blend in easily to any desk aesthetic you are aiming for thanks to its transparency. Well, I asked for refund and glued them with uhu, now got both my money and items (⌒_⌒;) Love it but not recommended unless you want a cracked design!
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=613283964882&_u=42bb6fjac230
➌ White Rack
You probably able to see this almost everywhere in the #desktour #deskaesthetic in Instagram, it was the go-to , i hopped into the bandwagon and get one for myself too.
➍ Pom Pom Paper Clip
Too cute not to get, it was pretty cheap and why not y'all?
➎ Transparent Tray / Square Tray / Rectangle Tray
Bought this without knowing what to do with it but might be useful in someways, isn't all organizing tools are like that?
➏ White Plastic Tray
One of the item came with wobbly edge, like how items can ran out of it's shape due to heat. Overall, it's still cute and will be useful in anyways ~ :)
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=596381479636&_u=42bb6fjab517
/ Cute accessories ✨I did a little google search and managed to found our some of the artist that created the cute illustrations.
➊ Mouse Pad
The mouspad I am using right now is a free gift from Big Bang fan club, it is in black and very worn out. Time to switch to something cute.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=605654605657&_u=42bb6fja865f
➋ Wooden Block
These woods are extremely cheap with only 20 cent for the tiniest size. Lovely additional decoration. I got it just to top up the cash to redeem discount voucher.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=44271813632&_u=42bb6fja5c2c
➌ Easel + Calendar
For my phone to stand in an artistic way.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=609139667417&_u=42bb6fja4c13
➍ Date Stamp
I always wanted to get a date stamp so the leopard just hop on to the cart.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=586985318729&_u=42bb6fjaa032
Mini Figurines
Normally from Japanese Gachapon, these figurines are usually pricey. Sometimes cheap ones may lack of penmanship, very common or not "cute" enough. I find this a perfect balance, though it might not be original.
➎ Duck / Happy Bunny/ Vampire Cat
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm&id=599540764916&_u=42bb6fja26a6
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=571742415764&_u=42bb6fja5b7a
➏ Fortune Rabbit
The way this bunny peeks too adorable! I am very surprised that there's a fortune below it's butt, and its pooped out a good one!
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=556463219325&_u=42bb6fja7641
➐ Stone Cat
The weirdness got me. That's it, that's the tweet.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=607563496320&_u=42bb6fja7b8a
➑ Rabbit Pen Holder
THIS 👏 ITEM 👏 IS 👏 SO 👏 CUTE 👏 I 👏 HAVE 👏 NO 👏 OTHER 👏 WORDS 👏 TO 👏 SAY 👏 It came in an excellent quality and was tad bit heavier than the rest to hold up your pen. There is more like dinosaurs, cat and Shiba Inu!
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=607912951711&_u=42bb6fjaca6c
➒ Stickers
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=610816957544&_u=42bb6fja319d
/ Useful Goods ✨
➊ Wire Winder
I love a tidy cable-less desk.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=609363315147&_u=42bb6fjaf01b
➋ Power Plug Holder
Thought I needed it but then I don't, well it's still a useful tool for home!
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=607638746320&_u=42bb6fja5451
➌ USB Cord Holder
Thought would be something nice to keep my iphone cable above ground all the time.
╰ https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=545133042042&_u=42bb6fja9e8e
// END
That's all for today, a few more parcels still in it's journey to our location. It has been a month or more due to Covid-19, hope everyone are healthy and stay clean 🦠Till then.
See you next time,
Fattybunbun 🐾
* // DISCLAIMER: All information, text, and photography (unless otherwise stated) we share/appearing in this blog post is written and taken by us (fattybunbun.blogspot.com). All information written are based our personal experiences and from our personal perspective. Information we share might changed / not be accurate during the time of your readings. We advise our reader to use our information as a basic guideline/for references only. The purpose of this blog post is to document and share our experience with the readers.For full disclaimer please click here. //*
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