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Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.1 - Intro, Arrival

Written in July 2016

Not fancy of long words? You can read our short summary here 1|2|3|4 and full index here 5.

Hello all Disnerd and friends, we finally completed our 2D1N °o° Shanghai Disneyland Diary! *dothehotdogdance* Our magical diary contains plenty of photos of Shanghai Disneyland as well as our thoughts and reviews of the park. Tho they say, a photo is worth a thousand words but we believe by writing we could record all the funny remarks or interesting things we’ve seen.

Our long (Malaysian English) blogpost is like a "scrapbook" to us, yet it may also be a useful guide for anyone to understand the park a little bit better, even if, it may not be the most complete guide there is.(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)


To ease your reading experiences, we will split our SHDL travelogue into multiple posts - this will allow the picture to load faster. We also added an Index, so you could jump to specific parts of this post that you wish to read. Just hop on the Magic Train by clicking [Choo Choo] before the sub-title.

    Shanghai Disneyland Travelogue Pt.1
    [Choo Choo] 01. Arrive in Shanghai Disney Resort
    [Choo Choo] 02. Bag check & Shanghai Disneyland tickets

    (For full index list, click here)

Take note that each post is not a full travelogue, and not all of the information is in one post, if you failed to find the information that you wish to read, it could be in other posts. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. Alrighty then! Let's discover the magic of Shanghai Disneyland with us! ヽ(✪‿✪○)ノ.+゚*。:゚+


* // DISCLAIMER: All information we share in this blog is based on our personal experiences during our visit to Shanghai Disneyland in June 2016. Information we share might change / not be accurate during the time of your visit. We advise our reader to use our information as a basic guideline/ for references only. We are not associated with the Walt Disney Company and any other entertainment company. All characters belong to Disney. All photographs (unless otherwise stated) contained on this site are our own, taken by us ( This means that we reserve the rights to all photos taken and posted by us. The purpose of this blog is to document and share our Disney experience with the readers.//*


Woke up at 4am, got dressed and proceed to check out our budget hotel in Shanghai. Arrange a taxi via the hotel counter and go go go to Shanghai Disney Resort! The journey from our budget hotel to Shanghai Disney Resort took about 30 mins, as our scary taxi driver dash through the empty road with no seat-belts on. We (Lin & Von) paid RMB80 for the ride and get off the car.

On our way to Toy Story Hotel

THE SMILE on our face instantly went up to rocket space when we heard the music “You got a friend in me” playing in the background. A few cast members were escorting us to the lobby, and much more waved happily giving us the warmest hospitality, welcoming us to Toy Story Hotel. We were filled with glee inside and outside.✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧*HAPPPPINESSx100000*

Toy Story Hotel was such a beautiful, fun hotel and it smells good! It’s 6 in the morning and the lobby was quiet. Wasted no time, we quickly got ourselves check-in and drop our baggage at the baggage counter. (More on the Toy Story hotel: here)

We managed to catch the 7am shuttle bus outside the hotel and arrived at Disney Town after a short ride. Disney Town is a part of SHDR (Shanghai Disney Resort) but sadly, we did not have the chance to explore the other parts of SHDR, which include, SHDL hotel, Toy Story hotel, Disney Town, and Wishing Star Parks.

SHDL's Gate entrance

Once we arrived at the gate entrance, we were surprised by the long queue, even if is not ridiculously long compare to Tokyo Disneyland but it’s still quite a number of people ahead of us, roughly 300 people. The distance between the shuttle bus stop and SHDL entrance was only a 5-10 mins walk away (2 min run).


To sum up what’s happening in 02 here’s a very short timeline.
// Queue at the Park – Bag check – Ticket counter – 2nd queue to enter the M-avenue. //

Approx. 8:15am, the security guards open up the gate, and that causes uncivilized locals from the back to push forward, considering us being quite petite in size, we literally got ourselves squashed like sardines!

The securities, on the other hand, were trained at handling the ridiculous crowd like this, so to prevent any disappointment (or fights), they practice basic first come first serve system. They will allow guests from the first row to enter and have their bags check first, then immediately stop another guest from entering with their hands, but still many push their way through.

So one by one we went in to have our bag checked, the process was simple, just make sure you unzip your bags to speed things up. After that, we continue our way to the ticket counter.

Cast member with our park tickets

At the ticket counter, we showed our ticket reservation no. and passport for verification. The cast member printed our tickets instantly, he also told us not to lose our ticket as we are going to use it for the 2nd day. Park maps and time guide are also up for grabs here.

(Picture Above) The month of June is also known as the grand opening period for SHDL, therefore cast members were distributing grand opening badges and certificate.
(Picture Below) Unknowingly what will happen next, we follow the crowd to the Mickey Mouse clock tower. Everyone stops running here and people starts coming from the back, eventually, it creates another round of queuing.

It’s only 15 mins after the security check, hence the park is not open yet. From here, we saw the Enchanted Story Book Castle for the 1st time, we were in awe how stunningly and huge it was! Meanwhile, we use our spare time to plan our park strategy for the day.

The cast member open up the 2nd entrance at 8:40am, waving with the sweetest smile, greeting everyone “Welcome to Shanghai Disneyland!” Yet, none of the locals stopped or seems to care and just BARGED in. We were forced to run since there was not much choice and ended up got separated.

Credits: Kaomoji:

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