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Big Bang Alive Tour Malaysia 2012
You guys are finally here again. :')
and that's the only "nice" picture you will see in this post.

Annyeong! today we're gonna blog about BIGBANG ALIVE TOUR in MALAYSIA like we promise :)
FINALLY! The long awaited day has arrived! After spending the whole night making our own VIP crown headband (which is a total dumb idea,many people were selling them) and a mini banner (that eventually got soak in the rain). We ended up sleeping really late that night.

Just SHOOT and RUN!

Players of the day will be :
Us, May, May couz and their friend & Basket Ball Buddies

Hey peepos, is been a while. Supposed to blog bout our BB alive tour experience last Saturday (which is awesome btw) but we hafta put that post on hold, since we're still have writing on it.

I'm sooo sorryyy. *kneel down and beg for forgiveness* Don't worry, we promise we will update it, SOON. So the post for today will come face to face with your enemies. GET ready to battle people, is PAINTBALL time!

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Jigsaw Puzzle ❤ ❤

The unopened jigsaw puzzle box ~ shinnnyyy bling bling wooo
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Jigsaw Puzzle (Tenyo Japan)
1000 pcs
Difficulty : 3/5
Time used : 9 hours

Hey Y'all~
You may or may not know or might know or maybe soon to know that i'm actually a puzzle person, yes peeps.. i'm those boring people who spend their time sitting on floor hours and hours finding the right puzzle pieces and match it up together and turn into a complete picture, but i enjoy it.

Review : Liese Bubble Hair Dye Antique Rose

So this is the color I should be expecting in the end.

Hi everyone! I had my hair dyed in the saloon few months ago and if you don't know, I sorta dyed my hair in a lighter shade of brown with purple ends. But a few weeks later, the purple faded and turn into a bleachy color that most of us don't like.

I think the bleach on my ends look owhkayy... but the one on my fringe look awful, and it gets worse once my black roots started to grow. "Your hair looks like that typical anime hair with 3 different tones, highlight, base, shadow" - Sis

And she's ain't lying...

Braces pt.5

I don't have a picture of my brace so i randomly use some pic i got in my phone. T__T

Previous update: Brace #1 , Brace#2,3 , Brace#4
Blogpost no.5 of my braces journey.

#14 : My 8th Visit. 2 May 2012
As usual, today appointment is to replace my wire to a thicker wire and tighten it. Nothing much, basically and it doesn't hurt as much as my past visit.

Mickey Mouse Through The YEars, Mid Valley Megamall Malaysia

You guy may have noticed there's been a bunch of pictures of Mickey uploaded at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social site :P know why? Because Mickey and his army is invading Mid Valley ahhh *run and take cover trololol!

For your information, Mid Valley is celebrating the icon MICKEY MOUSE throughout those years which is from 1928 till today. More than 300+ designs of Mickey created by artist, celebs, brands, college students and also people from the down syndrome community exhibit in this event, cool rite ?

Review : SHINI Star Lip Balm


Hello hello *Nareumdaero yonggil naessoyo* *sings sings*
This post is gonna be about SHINee Lip Balm, and let start by singing their song "Hello".
Before I start reviewing, I want to apologize for my English/Grammar mistakes. This will be my first ever review on a beauty product, and i'm not really good at it too. Sorry. *bows* Anyhow, it's just lip biggie right.

Braces pt.4

My face and lips were swollen and my lips started to peel.

Previous update: Brace #1 , Brace#2,3
Blogpost no.3 of my braces journey.

#12 :  My 6th Visit.  18 January 2012 
Today suppose to be the day where i need to insert the screw into my teeth but my ortho. said he won't do it today because CNY is around the corner and I can't eat all the delish food once he put in the screw. so yea postponed to the next appointment. Today's appointment is to replace my wire to a thicker one.. and tighten it as usual. 

How To : Sea Salt Ice Cream

DISCLAIMER : We're not a cook or a professional ice cream maker.. and we DO NOT create nor responsible of creating sea-salt ice cream. All credits goes to Square Enix and Disney. We found the ingredients on the net and i'm NOT responsible if any of my readers attempt to make this at home and got a tummy ache, diarrhea or any other sickness you can get from eating ice cream :(, though i DON'T wish any of that will happen.I do hope you've fun making this ice cream just like i did.
* Do take note that, the color for each mixture was not accurate due the fact that 
I've edited the photos before uploading into my blog. Till then, please enjoy my post today :)

Sea Salt Ice Cream - Kingdom Hearts

If you are a FAN of Kingdom Hearts or ever played Kingdom Hearts, you might notice this particular ice-cream that the people of Twilight Town enjoyed eating! In fact, this is the only thing we saw them eating most of the time.



Is almost a week and we still have the SIMPLE PLAN fever!!! I  SIMPLE PLAN!

Simple Plan GYHO was their 3rd concert in Malaysia and it was held in KL LIVE, all thanks to the organizer, JS concert production and Fat Boys for bringing our childhood heroes! We hope they will have their 4th concert SOMEDAY ! We'll be definitely waiting for it!

Cant Get My Hands on Simple Plan Tickets!

We're a big fan of Simple Plan since "im just a kid" and I always joke with my sister, if *insertcelebnamehere* is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! She paused.

But most of the time, when i asked, if Simple Plan is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! and without hesitation the answer will always be YES YES YES YES YES!!! YES x1000000000 times! "I can wait forever"!  for that day to come :D