* Do take note that, the color for each mixture was not accurate due the fact that I've edited the photos before uploading into my blog. Till then, please enjoy my post today :)

Sea Salt Ice Cream - Kingdom Hearts
If you are a FAN of Kingdom Hearts or ever played Kingdom Hearts, you might notice this particular ice-cream that the people of Twilight Town enjoyed eating! In fact, this is the only thing we saw them eating most of the time.
SEA SALT ICE-CREAM. (pic source)
According to Roxas, Sea salt ice cream -- "It really is salty! But still sweet, too."
So have you ever thought of trying eating one of those? Well, I'm DYIIING TO TRY!
Believe or not, Testuya Nomura (the creator of KH) said that he tasted this at Tokyo Disney SEA and he loved it so much he decided to put into the game! (source) Unfortunately, we're not from Japan and so far I never see them selling in Malaysia, either. My sister suggests we made them instead, of course NOT TO SELL but just to feel how scrumptious it is. Even though the taste might not be accurate but hey at least we somehow-kinda-know how it taste like. :)
What da ya need for sea-salt ice cream?
Ingredients :
- 2 eggs
- 2 cup of Milk
- 1/3 cups sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 cup heavy whipcream
- Sea Salt
1. The first step, separate the white egg and the yolk. Beat the white egg till it's stiff and mix the yolk with sugar and stir it till it's thick!

Beat the white egg till it gets all stiff.
*we use fork only..so pity lor*
As I said earlier, we are not professional and merely just a beginner or probably... worse than a beginner which explain the utensil we used. OTL .
Them - mixer or whisk, us - FORK
Them - mixing bowl, us - PLASTIC BOWL (that we used to eat noodles that kind)
Them heavy whip cream, us - NOT SURE IS HEAVY or not HEAVY WHIP CREAM
Them sea salt, us - NOT SURE WHAT SALT it is... *emo emo*
Tho we don't have those power utensil and accurate ingredient we have FATE that these still works ;) Also, sea salt is not common in Malaysia, we did try to look for sea salt in the department store, but we couldn't find any, perhaps they didn't sell sea salt this year. LOL. Okay back to the point.
2. a. Pour the milk into a pot and boil it, stir the milk while boiling.
b. Once the Milk has boiled pour the hot milk into the yolk/sugar mixture, stir well.
c. Pour the milk+yolk+sugar mixture into pot and boil it again for few minutes, don't forget to stir it :)
d. Lastly, pour the whole thing into the white egg.

b. stirring the yolk + sugar + milk mixture
3. Add sea salt, how much salt is totally up to you how salty you want your ice-cream to be~
4. Put into the fridge to cool down.
In the meantime, you could watch some TV or take random photos of your kitchen. LIKE US.

Few pinch of salt ~

Put into the freezer to cool it down

and wait for it to cool... xD
Random shots while waiting

5. Once it cool~ Add vanilla, whipping cream and your coloring (which is optional) but if it's not blue you don't have that Kingdom Hearts feelsss *whackself again*

250ml of heavy whipcream

adding one teaspoon of vanilla

adding the blue coloring
6. After you've got the right color, pour your "melted" sea-salt ice cream to any containers and freeze it for 4-6 hours or overnight.
By looking at the whole thing...It's going quite well, I guess... hopefully, it turns out okay :X

OMG, my sis said this looks like those Clorox bleach powder. LOLOLOLOL

but once you pour the melted ice-cream into popsicle mold, it's look soo yummyyy you even wanna start licking it xD
7. Your sea-salt ice cream shud be hard and solid by now~ So remove your ice-cream from the popsicle mold.
Here's how we remove our ice-cream, we pour some warm water around the ice-cream, not in the center but just the side. Once we did that, we let it cool down on the counter for about few seconds. Turn the ice-cream upside down, remove the ice-cream gently, it should slip it out perfectly!
If you accidentally pull out the stick instead, insert back in and slowly press the top part of your ice cream mold and the ice-cream will slip out slowly as well.

Viola! Now you have your very own sea salt ice cream!!
Our opinion on sea salt ice-cream: WELL! Even though our ingredients weren't accurate..but IT TASTE DELICIOUS, there's REALLY a bit of salty-ness but also sweet at the same time! - Just like what Roxas said xD
Personally, we think most people will avoid eating this.. since it's salty and too much salt is bad (MOM SAYS) Well, we love it and different people have different taste buds thus everyone has their own opinions so.. yea, we hope you enjoy our blog post for today!
Till then,
Have a magical day! °o°
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