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Cant Get My Hands on Simple Plan Tickets!

We're a big fan of Simple Plan since "im just a kid" and I always joke with my sister, if *insertcelebnamehere* is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! She paused.

But most of the time, when i asked, if Simple Plan is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! and without hesitation the answer will always be YES YES YES YES YES!!! YES x1000000000 times! "I can wait forever"!  for that day to come :D

SO last year, while on our way to some place for dinner, ads from the radio saying "SIMPLE PLAN LIVE IN KL" and within 0.01 secs! We look at each other with a *super huge grin*, WE HIT EACH OTHER HARD! But we can't even feel the pain! because we were too exciting!!!!!

Since then, we keep on questioning each other, thinking how can we attend that concert! Cause we knew our parents wouldn't let us! We've ask them umpteen times, they still give us negative response, but that wouldn't stop us from trying! "I'd do anything" to attend that concert :D

1 month passed, still no positive result... So we tried to join some contest to win their tickets. Perhaps, "What if" we won the tickets, our parents will change their mind and allow us to attend the concert? We've join, msngoingout, Warner Music (NST and Facebook *during the last minute), also we turned on the radio all day and waiting for the chance to win the tickets.


New Straits Times

Warner Music Malaysia

not much, but i did try! x)

Imagine that! "Me against the world" (Malaysia) competing for the tickets, and boy! "God must hate me" cause we did not win any! *FML*  *heartbroken,shattered into pieces* Moody for few days, especially the day before the concert, friday "worst day ever".

Don't even wanna go to college, because we wanted to stay at home and wait for the contest to start. *we end up going to college anyways*  We feel a little happy though, my friends being so kind~ offer to help us, even though we asked them not too *shy* thanks guys :D Wait and wait and wait till the contest started, 1st round, too slow to phone, nevermind, we'll try the 2nd round.. unlucky enough! they held it at twitter! shit, no choice la, we purposely made an account, and try our luck there.. "RT 20 friends" DAAMMMNN ! *raise white flag* give up -__-"

Seriously heartbroken,  1st our parents wouldn't let me and 2nd we didnt win any tickets.. but cousin's friend did *FMLMAX* "Time to say goodbye" to the concert. :( "I Won't Be There" seeing you perform *sobmax* The concert is happening in less than 24 hours, we still at home waiting miracle to happen. Very emo, on turn on to simple plan songs and videos.. *forever alone* Once the song starts playing, we start regretting -___-""  and there's a feeling from our heart saying,


And so we ask my dad for the last time, "are you free today?" "Can we go to Simple Plan concert?" when is it? "TODAY!" and then YV do all the talking lol!

He is still in his *thinking mode* so we asked our cousin too (also a fan)  he wanted to go, so he ask his mom. His mom tell him to asked his sister, his sister say YES! Then his mom called the elder son, he said OKAY, since his bestie who won the ticket is going too. Finally, my dad agrees with it ! YEAH BABY! IM GOINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  we went and bought the tickets on the last minute and "the end" hahahahaha!

check out what happened next! After we attend the concert!

Till then,
Peace out \m/

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