Behold, the first animated Disney movie we watched surrounded with guys. Seriously we was kinda shocked, 70% of the audiences are male, maybe is because this is a "video-game" sorta themed like movie hmmm?? instead of flowery girl-power like Tangled or Brave LOL :X
Here's the official trailer :
Before the movie, we get a look at Disney's new short animated film, "Paperman". It was a sweet lovey-dovy story with a really nice old disney classic look, as expected from Disney, the animation is per-fec-to, nice background music, very well animated. Worth watching before the movie starts, and also the another reason to watch Wreck-it Ralph is because to watch this short film first :D
Now back to Wreck-It Ralph,
This sets him on his journey to win himself a medal.
alot alot alot of cy-bugs!
Cute Vanellope with her own made kart :3 :3
There, he meets this girl Vanellope von Scheweetz, who is programmed to be the "glitch" in this game. Little adorable Vanellope also faced similar situations with Ralph is,
Ralph : wants to be the good guy, but was rejected because he is the bad guy.
Vanellope : wants to race, but was rejected because she is a glitch.
look at those face LOL xD
They have really epic names you know :X
awwww that face :D
(GIF credits : Tumblr)
I really enjoy watching them, it makes me happy every time i sees one of the cameos (LOL) The Bad-Anon group , Sonic at the game central warns us about how you died in other's game, (i dont know... Sonic's voice just sounded so cool LOLOLOLOL) and also Ryu went it to Tapper and get himself a drink! Not to mention Sora is in it :D
Though this movie spent most of the time in sugar rush, i would like to see more of Hero's Duty scene or one or two more other genre of games :X
My Rating : 8.5/10 (0.5 extra for the cameos! i just love it!!)
Really recommended for old school gamers :D And wouldn't be awesome if they add this world in the new Kingdom hearts game? Hell yeah it will :D
Till then,
Fattybunbun 🐾
Picture source : Google, Wreck-it Ralph Official Facebook page, Tumblr
* // DISCLAIMER : All information above are based on our personal thoughts and experiences while watching the movie Wreck it Ralph. Information we share might not be accurate, we advise our reader to use our information as a basic guideline/ for references only. All image, gif image, video, storyline are copyrighted and belong to Walt Disney Company and any other entertainment company that associated with it. We are not associated with any of Disney related company..// *
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