I don't have a picture of my brace so i randomly use some pic i got in my phone. T__T
Previous update: Brace #1 , Brace#2,3 , Brace#4
Blogpost no.5 of my braces journey.
#14 : My 8th Visit. 2 May 2012
As usual, today appointment is to replace my wire to a thicker wire and tighten it. Nothing much, basically and it doesn't hurt as much as my past visit.
#15 : My 9th Visit. 11 June 2012
Remember the time when Dr.How, insert the screw into my mouth? During my last dentist appointment, he replace the wire to a thicker wire and i don't know whether the force was too big or what la.. but my screw got loose up and it hurt soooooooo MUCH. I can't even put my elastic in. T_______T
So today , i told my Ortho about that, and he told me : "Oh I have to insert that screw again" , and i was like okay...
I was laying down on the dental chair trying to calm myself down.....BUTTT once i lay down......
My ortho injected my gums immediately, without even mentioning anything. Unlike my previous Ortho, she was very calm and all that :)
I was so shocked! I really am, my body just froze a little when he did that, and trust me this time, it DID HURT! (well just a little pain, i have a low tolerance in pain and it did hurt for me) My whole body was shaking, my mouth was shaking as well.
After a while, the left side of my face was already numb and that's when he did the screw thingy again. I shut my eyes very very tightly during the whole process, from injecting to re-inserting the screw, even though i can't see a thing but i can feel the screw passing thru my gums and i can feel that it was bleeding and it hurts.
Eventually, i told my ortho that it hurts and he stop screwing. Yea i think is important to tell you Ortho whenever it hurts or not. He kept asking me whether it hurts, if it does, do tell! Don't be afraid :)
BAM! around 10 mins or so, and it's done.
That's what i though...
After fixing the screw, i though it's already over and I can chill for a while but NO. After fixing the screw he continue inserting 2 new blocks and some other stuff.
The whole process was very fast... so honestly i don't know when he insert the two blocks and what's that for. He probably did explain what's that for, yea..he did. But my mind was still shock from the injection and i haven't gain my conscious back.
Basically these how my Ortho insert my blocks. Sorry for the ugly drawing. OTL
You see, once the block is inside my mouth , i can't really bite my teeth together.
On top of that, i don't really get use to "blocks" inside my mouth either because
1. I can't close my mouth normally
2. I can't chew anything too.
3. I can't speak / pronounce correctly
4. ...... It made my chin look huge T________T
After that, the ortho ask me to open my eyes. LOL (He prob notice how scare i was.) He asked me to hold a mirror and from there he teaches me to put in 2 new elastic.
Previously , I only have 2 elastic and now... I HAVE 4 :O He also added around 4? wires around my big tooth, connecting to my front tooth O__O IDK what's dat but it's complicated.
But here's how i have to wear my elastic now.
Another even more ugly drawing. HAHAHA
Anyway, blue are the new elastic, red is the elastic from before.
Here's how it looks like in reality. OTL
Yea.. i think the 2 blocks made me look like a dinosaur.
*note this is how it looks like after few days
Once everything was done, i can't move my face. I mean my whole mouth was all numb and it hurts too. The dumbest mistake me and my sister did was, we ate Subway for lunch and GOD it was hard! I used about 45min just to finish my sandwich.
My face was all "bongkak" dat day, I have to go to college *bummer. So that day , i was hiding my face with a tissue (cause my face was swollen) and i try not to talk and laugh (cause laughing hurts too)
My teeth hurts for the past 3 days, normally the pain wore off around 24 hours and i could eat rice and food for dinner already. But this time, i really have to eat soft food like, oatmeal , porridge , soups , juice etc. Whenever i felt like eating "something", what i did was, i dunk my bread and crackers into Milo and eat it, its still soft and mushy but at least is not made out of liquid. :D
So yea, that's my 9th visit. I shall end my post now.
Even though it's hurts and it's hard for me to eat and talk n stuff, I don't mind going through all of these pain ... I really wanted to fixed my teeth and really hope that all the things I've done for my teeth won't disappoint me.
Okay. Till then :)
Have a smiley day! :)
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