You guy may have noticed there's been a bunch of pictures of Mickey uploaded at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social site :P know why? Because Mickey and his army is invading Mid Valley ahhh *run and take cover trololol!
For your information, Mid Valley is celebrating the icon MICKEY MOUSE throughout those years which is from 1928 till today. More than 300+ designs of Mickey created by artist, celebs, brands, college students and also people from the down syndrome community exhibit in this event, cool rite ?

Center court of Mid Valley has transformed into a Magical wonderland!
My sis and I are a bunch of crazy Disney freaks, thus we were fortunate enough to participate in this event! We would like to thanks our college and Disney for this wonderful opportunity, we're glad that we could be part of this wonderful project.*very grateful*
We snapped around 200+ pictures, Yikes! But it wasn't that much actually, i didn't even manage to snapped each and every Mickeys! I've been mesmerize by all the pretty designs. I shall stop the blabbing and here's the pictures :D

mini 6 inch mickeyss

Few of our college's Mickey design.

M & C Saatchi (right)

I love how evil these 2 are! Dr,Jekyll and mad Mickey with chainsaw + blood

The gardens? (left), Najib? (right)

Both cool looking mickey !

Both graffiti artist design, Kenji and Bone

who knew The Star likes rock too :D (right)

Shu Uemura (left), Green Mickey with underwear xD (right)

cuttteee paper bag mickey! :D he looks so shy (left) , Mickey by katun (right)

Precious Thots (left) My Diamond, i think.. (right)

by Designer - Apoh Paurine i love the wings :D

awesome 3D mickey by Cloak

very cute ghost reminds me in one of the episode of mickey mouse - Lonesome Ghosts, where they got covered up by flour

Mickey Escape from le mousetrap x)

Trophy mickey! nice one too :D

Dead mojo, i think

Amber Chia's Mickey minnie ehehe !


Bitch, Im fabulous~ Mickey by P & Co

G2000 , very classy

Jusco! with mini trolley xD

Heartbreaker accessories and Girls~

City Chain, Optical 88


Closer shot

Another close shot

Quiksilver, lol i like this shot though, the bokeh make it as he is surfing on a pink waves

Quiksilver x Roxy

A Cut Above, me likey the hair on both mickey's ear (y)


2ft mickeys #1




Greedy choco Mickey by our college mate

this is cute!! stone age mickey xDDD got basket with apple summore awww :3

Ah siang's Mickey, reminds me of fantasia xD

vomitthunder's coool skull Mickey

renaissance mickey :O

knight mickey x)

by Philosophy - MEN nice one

some close up shots

another one by Philosophy - MEN

huge mickey displays! #1


Attempt to selca with big mickey behind #failed
And since, we do participate in this Mickey event too, thanks to a college friend asking me and my sister, therefore we are allowed to attend the private ceremony~ *thankyou*

Free ice-cream! Mango + Oreo :DDD

om nom nom nom niceeeeee
They served free drinks and food in there *munch everything*

munchhh everything! credits to fattyvon. she said the mushroom is yummy trolololol

I feel so dirty lol, this cupcake was left on the table, and i still eat it..

i think it's almost done?

graffiti artist doing their thinng! awesome :3

peace yo!
~ Well, that's all ~
Some stupid moment which you guys might be interested to read.
Well, there's a mickey event happening there, a picture is a must.. grab our camera, strike a pose and ready to shot, but.....there is no SD card inside the camera -___- FUUUUUU. So me and my sister went up to PC fair and thought we might buy some SD card there.. *le me and sis walk into pc fair* .. not even half way, my sister was like. " hey, let's buy at the camera shop since there's lots of people here and i think you hafta line up to pay" so okay, we went out and silly silly bought the cheapest SD card at some camera shop which it cost about 45 bucks .. hmm...*money flies*
After the ceremony, me and my sis with our college mate went up to PC fair again, and this time! We actually walk alllll the way from the head to the toe, and guessed what SD card selling there cost about 17 bucks! FUUUUUU ~here goes the cash!
We are thirsty.. bought ourself 2 drinks of Juicework which cost about 10 bucks and whoops, who ever thought that we can get it free during the ceremony.. we even snap a picture with it too!

p/s: To those people who have their design snapped by us! You're welcome, I bet you guys are happy eheheheh
Thank You for reading, and have a magical day!
Fattybunbun 🐾
Thank You for reading, and have a magical day!
Fattybunbun 🐾
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