Our Gift to Dara
As you may know, Dara came to Malaysia for Sephora's Moonshot event the other day, and we prepare a few gift for her as a token of appreciation. We decide to give her, a bouquet of “Dara” flower and a Bunny headband. LOL
This blogpost is just to dedicate how we met Dara, go ahead and click here to read full Moonshot event.
We are no fan club admins but this flower represents our fellow Malaysian blackjacks, whereby we really looked up to Dara, so is our personal gift to her. We actually wrote message behind the card, instead of writing our name we wrote from, Malaysian Blackjacks ♠.
Right after YV left Mid Valley, we, YV, YL & Yin Ni took a train from KL sentral to KLIA.

Arrive at the Airport
We actually arrive quite early and we went to the arrival hall 1st, and we saw the flight from Korea is delayed, so we had McDonalds for lunch.
Since is our 1st time meeting Idols in the airport, we got many advice from my Kpop friends where should we wait etc. But we were lost af, and the curiosity in 3 of us (YL, YV & Yin Ni) actually leads us into a great benefit! I couldn’t tell you how but WE MANAGED to meet DARA, pass our gifts and even ask for a SIGN! We never request for a picture because we try to respect her and their flight was delayed too. (And no we did not bribe them or do silly things to meet her.)
BEST and the MOST MEMORABLE 2 min and the PEAK of all
3 of us never expreinces something like this before so this feeling and the environment was really new to us. We were waiting nervously in the lounge, trying to be in our best behaviour as much as possible. We were so tense we even rehearse what we should say and stuff, hoping not to be a fool in front of her.
We're not sure when Dara will exactly arrive in Malaysia and that's was really nerve wrecking! There's a LED board showing the flight details of all flights. Dara flight was expected to land at 5 something, but it kept on blinking “DELAYED, DELAYED”.
So once her flight changes from “DELAYED” to “LANDED”. We totally lost our mind! HAHA! Our heart was pumping so fast, we are really going to meet Dara in few minutes now and it’s unbelievable that it’s happening. We took a peek from the door, and we saw DARA walking towards our direction!! We prep our self, stood up straight and waited right next to the door.
While Dara was walking in, the security was trying to block us, but Dara approach Yin Ni first and receive the cupcake.
YV pass her flowers to Dara later, and
Dara said

“Is this for me? Thank You!"
YL followed up by asking for a sign, saying
"Dara, I draw a fan art of you"
Dara goes,

She then asked us in a very angelic voice,

“Do you have a Pen?”
And she sign on the fan art gently.
She even give Yin Ni a sign, receive Yin Ni notes as well as a bag of snacks and our bunny hairband
(which we're not sure what she will do with it).
We bid goodbye to her, and she left the room :')

We're sorry but we secretly took few quick shot of Dara T__T
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! OMG! We literally squeal and fangirl to our heart content after all this ends! We were so thankful so lucky so blessed! Gotta tell ya, her English is so fluent and doesn’t really sound that korean-ish but a little bit of Filipino accent!
Dara was so so so tiny, she wore yellow that day and it reminds me of Tinker bell! Her beautiful baby skin is as flawless as if she doesn’t even need Photoshop, super KIND FRIENDLY BEAUTIFUL GODDESS! OK! She’s more than this 4 words, she is something extraordinary that is so hard to describe in words. She's just perfect!
We exit the room and waited her again outside, and with our surprise, SHE posted our gift to twitter! Not only that, SHE WAS HOLDING OUR FLOWERS when she exit leave the airport! We felt really THANKFUL of this simple gesture. We can't thank you enough!

Dara Holding our Flowers and Tweet it as well!
Credit @ninieskye for the photo
It was 6:30pm when everything was over, and we immediately rush back to our train to the moonshot event in MidValley.
Our face was stamped with smiles and we couldn't stop giving thanks, especially to our daddy, the kind policemen, the florist, the security guards and to everyone we met!! Oh THANK YOU everyone!! We even jokingly said to ourselves that we could finally retired Kpop in peace now. HAHA Well we do really thought about that but you know it's so hard to leave the things you love behind... so when the time comes it will.
As for now, let's cherish this wonderful memory!
We're still stoked that we meet Dara for like 2 minutes. Ahhh OMG! *pinching ourself that this is not a dream*
Dear Dairy,
This is such an indescribable feeling. I pray for Kpop luck this year, and we believe our luck had finally come true. We're so happy, we truly are.
Thank you for reading,
♠ Have a NOLZA day! ♠
We Met Dara! | Sandara Park: Moonshot Event
2NE1 All or Nothing 2014 | 2NE1 @ Twin Tower Alive 2013
BigBang MADE [VIP] Tour 2016 | iKONCERT 2016
BigBang MADE: The Movie | TaeYang & TOP Art Toy
TaeYang Rise 2014 | G-Dragon OOAK: 3D concert film
BigBang Alive Tour 2012 | LG Lollipop Review
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