G-Dragon OOAK 3D Movie!
Well, It’s still the CNY holidays what are you been up to? As for us, today is the special screening of G-Dragon One of A Kind 3D concert film in Malaysia *yippie*
We're so excited to this movie day because we did not attend G-Dragon concert in Malaysia due to some last minute incident.
The movie will only be played in selected TGV cinemas, so we decide to watch in Sunway Pyramid. Like a pro, #masterofbookingtickets Janice booked the movie tickets for us. Not only it was awesome to able to watch it in 3D we also has the LAST row of the seat, plus in the center too :D
You guys must be thinking, the last row? that’s far from the screen yo but this is A CONCERT MOVIE, not to mention it’s in 3D, sitting at the back will be really cool because we could stand in the theaters (if we want to) and don’t need to worry the viewers at the back, do we have a point there? TEEHEE
We went to had some ice cream before the movie started *because we’re too early and Baskin Robins was the nearest place to take a butt rest*
and Here is it! Our movie tickets :D

Of course some pictures of ourself TEEHEE :D hash tag girls being girls, we lovetakings pictures :D

it’s about time for the movie to start, so CHHHEECCCKKLLIISSTT!
Movie tickets CHECKED!
3D Glasses CHECKED!
Fully battery Light stick CHECKED!
Movie day outfit CHECKED!
Ready, sit back, and get pumped? CHECKED!

Like they said, early birds get the worms :P instead of worms the early VIPs get the posters! Yes my fellow VIPs, we had free movie posters too!
And so, the movie started! Everyone Sorijilleo!!
VIPs shouted when GD came up to the big screen (lmao), some even fanchanting when he sings but listens and kept quiet while he is doing his interview, you can hear all the “d’awww” “awwww” “kyaaaa” “ahhhhhh” VIPs made in the cinema, oh the feels. :D
Also Holy jiyonggie !! The 3D works so well, you are sweating and standing so near to us, serenading with your lovely voice gosh let me touch you now!! *draw hearts everywhere* :D
Ok confession time, though GD doesn’t seem as realistic as the live live live LIVE but the tiny stuff such as the confetti/bubbles, 3D sound works like a charm, especially the confetti lmao ITS SO REALLLLLL EVEN OUR BRAIN WAS FOOLED, LIKE FUCK HOW CAN IT BE SO REAL we thought we were in the concert hall enjoying the whole concert but we're not, so too bad boo hoo.
Similar to BigBang Alive tour movie, it only plays some part of the concert and in between it shows what’s going on backstage and also some interview with GD
The encore was crooked almost everyone was on their feet! JUMPING along,*imagine that jumping in a theater haha* EVERYONE WERE SOO FREAKIN HIGH rocked on totally rocked on. It was THE BEST.
We enjoyed the movie, a lot. It was great, daebak daebak daebak.

Last but not least! Here’s a group photo of us with the poster! *just one because we are lazy to unrolls it*

Hope y’all enjoy this short post!
Till then!
♕ Have a fantastic day ♕
BigBang MADE [VIP] Tour 2016 | BigBang MADE: The Movie
TaeYang & TOP Art Toy | TaeYang Rise 2014
G-Dragon OOAK: 3D concert film | BigBang Alive Tour 2012
We Met Dara! | Sandara Park: Moonshot Event
2NE1 All or Nothing 2014 | 2NE1 @ Twin Tower Alive 2013
iKONCERT 2016 | LG Lollipop Review
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