What's up we're 2NE1!!
(Pic credits to Angel)
What's up! peepos and perhaps BlackJacks ♠
Exactly 1 month and 6 days ago (Yes i know I'm hella late, sorry for procrastinating), we went to Twin Tower Alive Concert. It was a 2-days concert, but we went to the 2nd day, which was on Saturday, 23 March 2013.
There's no particular reason why..... well... except...... 2NE1 will be performing on that day which is also their 1st ever visit to MALAYSIIIAAAAA!! and of course the 90s hottest boy band, Backstreet Boys will be performing as well!! woots!
When the news reported that IU will not be performing at TTAlive anymore,*pats to IU fanboys* and it was reported that 2NE1 will replace IU to perform, we were damn excited, both of us SCREAM in the office. We immediately bought the tickets the day after at KLCC, yeah we got our-self some pretty "cool" PETRONAS t-shirts. *blessed*
Few days before the concert, my ex-classmate was selling her tix CHEAP, and she said she won't mind giving me CHEAPER, so I thought of asking Vomit to go but he's busy sooo, I asked Zoe, and Zoe asked her friend, Angel, they say OKAY and YAY! Everyone ish happy! *smileyface*
The previous night before the concert, we went and bought gazillion of snacks, along with some cardboards to create a fanboard for em'. In spite of everything we've done we still managed to sleep around 1:30am, which is a good thing.(^▽^v)
Rise and shine at 7am, the day to see 2NE1 finally arrived!

To ensure we get the best spots, and don't want to be squeezing in the back and see nothing, we went and queue early, the earlier the better. Vichuili told us she'll be there around 7:30am, unfortunately, my dad was still asleep at that moment therefore we only managed to reach KLCC around 9am. (Which is super duper late) Sorry, vichuili.

Le me and le sis.

This is where we queue before there's any organizers.
ohaithar, to the guy at the back.

We met some new friends as well
surprisingly the girl in orange used to be Zoe's ex-classmate.
Hiiiiii :D
Like usual, once we got everything settle we took turns to look after our line where others were out buying lunch. The sun was burning hot around noon, vichuili and YL grabs some plastic chairs, so they were just leisurely sitting under the tree. TROLLOLOL Luckily, we were somewhere in front of KLCC main entrance and we can slightly feel the air conditioner blowing. So that's a bonus. :)

Polaroid of the day.

Aunty mode on.
Getting pretty sunny.
At 12pm, Malaysia BlackJacks were distributing water guns and 2ne1 banners in front Louis Vuitton store. More and more people came, later on, is pretty sad to see that there weren't much BJs compare to VIPs. Zoe came mins later, with her friend Angel too. Is really kind of her to bought us lunch, drinks and sushi to be precise, thank you :)

Once the staffs came, we were told to go to the back of the entrance. There's a bit conflict between us, the queue and the securities. I gotta salute Janice this time, she really have the guts to face the securities and obviously some *cough* pre-matured peoples. Nevertheless, there are some really nice people too, who allow us to cut their queue to the front. Thank You :)
I pass n share my snacks to my friends, the staff and the people queuing.
Few hours later, ITS STATED TO RAIN!! HAHAHAAHAHHA is this deja-vu? I mean we got wet while queuing during Big Bang concert and now for 2NE1! For some reason, I've never been happier that it rains.

wrinkly fingers. :P
We shud be able to went in about 5pm , because the rain was so crazy we heard one of the speaker got blew down by the rain ? or was it? LOL thus it got delayed for another hour.
After hours of waiting, the gates finally open! Again, before we could enter we need to have our bag checked. The securities checked our bags before hand, and he let my friend pass tru but not US!!!! He was checking bags from the other lane whereby US, who already had our bag checked were standing there.
We were super nervous and our heart was thumping super duper fast! and yet, WHY YOU NO LET US IN!!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW WE FEEELLL, LOLOLOL!!! *emo*
Eventually he let us tru after all the nagging from behind. It's about time we were allowed to go inside, we ran as fast as we can likes there's no tomorrow. By the time we went to the stage, all of us wasn't at the front row. It was really a let down on us, seriously everyone managed to get to the front row except for YV n Zoe.(╥﹏╥)

We're finally in!!
We used to have a group photo but someone *cough* yeelin *cough* accidentally delete it.
Luckily, there's this really nice Malay guy who let YV go to the front. THANK YOU so much!! We tried to squeeze our-self so that Zoe could come fit to the front too, but.. ZOE? why don't you? :/
The show started few mins after we got in. I must say, it started of pretty good (Y), Caprice's stage wasn't that bad, one of the dancer did eye contact with YL, and he gave her his badanana personally *laughs*
Shawn Lee beatboxing skill was outstanding! and Mizz Nina really get the crowd all pumped up. Except there's this one artist, (not gonna mention names :P) where everyone around me started to BOO at em'. LOL
Note : Just to let you know, we only bring our DSLR to the concert, but the security was really strict in front :( Thus, the PICTURES and SCREENSHOTS from my FANVIDEO in this post, were all taken by my IPHONE . I'm really sorry there's isn't any great shots.
Right after the emcees introduce 2NE1.The first beat of "Fire" started playing, CL shouted "I go by the name CL of 2NE1" and the crowd when completely WILDDDDDDDDDD!!
I couldn't believe my eyes, 4 beautiful goddesses on stage singing FIRE, live! Omg omg omg, I got starstruck for real, I finally came to my senses quickly and I started shouting!! It was one of the best moments ever. NOLZA!!
Are you ready for the B-E-S-T !

CL !!!!

Chaera!! :D

Anyway, 2NE1 greeted themself in Malay and the emcees requested each of em' to say "Saya Cinta Malaysia ", when Dara says, "Saya", I think my mind just BLOWWWNNNN AWAY from her natural cuteness! CL spoke with her swagggy attidude, so professional and Minzy just feel so shy *awwww :3

Emcees talking to 2NE1

2NE1 !!
(Pic credits to Angel)
After the introduction, we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY song for BOM, she looks so shy and touched at the same time (ಥ﹏ಥ) *awwwww, "Please don't cry", Bom :') We do hope Malaysia BlackJacks gave her a blissful Birthday this year.

Look at her face!
I tooked my board down quickly after that.

CL & Minzy is singing Happy Birthday!
The staff is holding the cake!!
During Bom birthday celebration, Dara was standing right in front of us.YES RIGHT IN FRONT!!
We scream and scream, DARAAAA DARAAAAAA DARAAA!!
DARA TURNED, look at our camera and wavedddd!!!! Even CL waved back at us too!!! *diessssssssssssssssssssssss* Thank You DARA!! Thank You CL!!

A GIF of Dara waving.
Please be patient for it to load, or just click the pic :)
(Many thanks to Zoe for recording this for us)
Okay so it might be a little overexposed, even so, you still can see Dara turn her body and waved right, u can slightly saw CL wave before Dara too but it got crop so...sorry :(
Dara oh Dara, she's soooo lovely! The lovely earthling ever, I mean she is already an UH-MAZING sister to her brother plus she even wrote a letter to Malaysia BlackJack the day after the concert. WE LOVE YOU DARA! We hope Dara notice our fanboard as well.
We also think that Bom notices our corn-board during the end of Can't nobody stage, there's one moment when she stood right in front of us and gave us a smile. She's sooooooo adorablleeeeeee! What not to love about Bom? That voice that smiley eyes and that cheeks *diieeessssss again*ヾ(☆'∀'☆)

Bommie during Can't Nobody!!
Look at her gorgeous legs :F

Minzy ya!!!!!

Lonley :)
(Pic credits to Janice)

Left : CL jump! Woots! (Pic credits to Janice)
Right : Bom singing Ugly. (Pic credits to Angel)


Dara :)

CL walk to the front during I'm the Best

CL and Minzy shaking their ass

(Pic credits to Janice)
Most pictures are screenshot from our fancam our friend recorded for us using my iPhone fyi, we won't be uploading any of our fancam cause we were screaming like nuts the entire videos, so narhhh totally a bad idea :P unless you don't mind your eardrums to explode. However, the fancams were pretty good, even without the zoom function we could listen and see their faces clearly this time. *thumbs up zoe*
2NE1 starts performing bout 10:30pm! Imagine how long we've waited.
Though we've never expect 2NE1 to sing so many songs during this concert. We thought they will only sing maximum 3 songs but guess what they sang total 6 songs ♫!! *dothehappydance*
Which are,
1. Fire
2. Can't Nobody
3. Lonely
4. Ugly
5. I'm the Best
6. I Love You
Back to the story, we managed to squeeze our way out of the crowd after 2NE1 performance, we know there's lots a BSB fans who really deserve to be there than us :) While we're at the back, we took a few shot of BSB with our DSLR.

We squeeze our self to the back and hey Backstreetboys are back!

Brian and Howie

Nick Carter and AJ


and more pictures of AJ.

Zoe and Angel stayed to the end of the concert, from what we heard BSB rock the stage that night, they sang 15 songs!! Furthermore, 3 lucky girls got invited on stage to be serenade~~~ Hey, at least we managed to watch them did Larger than life x Gangnam Style. We really glad we did. woots! We went back after their "As long as you love me" performance btw, 20 years and they are still amazing!
The after pictures of that night,
Fellow blackjacks I met that day.
With Jia Chern.
(Pic credits to Jia Chern)
and Shanny.
they were 17 this year and ... I'm 20 and... short. LOL
(Pic credits to Jia Chern)

Beautiful KLCC
*Breathe a sigh of relief.* What else to say, We're really happy. A RM150 ticket and about 14 hours queue, everything is pretty worth it if you asked me.
Thanks for the unforgettable experience, we have the time of my life, can't wait for your latest album and hoping your next tour as well. :)
2NE1!!! Saranghae (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Lastly, I want to thank my Dad for fetching back and forth to KLCC, vichuili and Yimei for queuing up early, Zoe for capturing and recording 2NE1 performance, Angel for the pictures she took, Janice for exchanging the tickets, of course The Malay Guy who let me squeeze into the front, and TTAlive for making it possible for me to watch 2NE1.
Remeber to check out vichuili 's blog too. P.s, Will update more pictures tomorrow :)
Till then,
♠ Have a NOLZA day ! ♠
We Met Dara! | Sandara Park: Moonshot Event
2NE1 All or Nothing 2014 | 2NE1 @ Twin Tower Alive 2013
BigBang MADE [VIP] Tour 2016 | iKONCERT 2016
BigBang MADE: The Movie | TaeYang & TOP Art Toy
TaeYang Rise 2014 | G-Dragon OOAK: 3D concert film
BigBang Alive Tour 2012 | LG Lollipop Review
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