Wassuppp 2NE1!
Sorry for posting this late. Got most of the pic from fb, many thanks to those who uploaded :)
It was my first time overnight, and it was definitely something I won’t be regretting in my life cuz..YOLO! Few days before the launching day, we “stalk” our old TTAlive buddies, Nicky and Olang and asked them if they would like or if we could join them to buy tickets together.

yeap the 2 gals infront, say hi to them!
On the actual day
Olang waited at Sg Wang around 7am in the morning; we were meet up with her eating “dai bao” together that my dad bought for us *thanks daddy* outside because the entrance gate was lock…

Once we were inside, there’s this big BIG poster of 2NE1 faces printed on the backdrop of the stage, it made us all hype up and was happily jumping around lololol.
Of course, we saw and meet new blackjacks, Mira, Audrey, Lulu and Samsom as well. (such a relief we don’t have to line up outside *thankful*) Nicky meet up with us after that, so 8 of us were queuing together but not long after the organizer/security/sgwang people/a dude /he told us we couldn’t queue here because it might distract customer.
Audrey talked to him and he promised to let 8 of us be first in line when the queue started, we were told to walk around sg wang and meet up later during the night.
In the Mor-ning~
Once we separated, Olang went to the dentist, 3 of us were chilling at McD.
McD was too cold in the morning so we shift to Starbucks where the weather is warm and cozy. We had coffee (hot chocolate for me), we played numerous game of “chor dai d” without gambling, Nicky won most of the time and YL lost, and.... an uncle was watching us playing from far. (lol!)

Olang came back from the dentist, all of the sudden a wild Janice appear in the afternoon, playing few more games of “chor dai d”, had our lunch at random food court, bought some neck pillow at Daiso, went back chit chatting at McD (because it’s nearer to the stage)

my beautiful goddess
When it’s about time to queue (8-9pm), the organizer/security/sgwang people/a dude, he organize us to straight lines and bring us to the stages (like primary school kids lol) and yea he kept his promise. (Good guy!)
Anyway, this is the time where we sit around the stage, passing the time, eating strawberries :) chit chatting chor dai d, taking pictures or selca and…. sleep? till the next morning.

If you asked me, our overnight experiences at sgwang is pretty good, no air-con during the night but is fine cause there's still cool air circulating! But we'll take note and bring a sleeping bag next time.
The toilet is creepy and everywhere else is creepy since it’s so empty during the night, so don’t go anywhere alone. What else, you can literally feel and experience the atmosphere changes from night turn into day? Lol hahaha :D Weird learning outcome.

The next morning, we meet up with our twitter friends; they are so kind enough to buy us McD Breakfast and also vichuili, who also bought us Subway! (Thank you so much!)

nom nom nom~ sharing breakfast is a happy thing :)
2NE1’s songs are playing on the stereo, people start coming in and the line is getting longer! One by one, we went up to the stage to purchase our ticket!!!!

Pic credits to facebook.

There's some "incident" while purchasing our tickets.
The whole block of VVIP R1 is fully reserved! (well…that’s not very fair) Mira and Audrey managed to get row 1 and 2 but when it’s our turn they jump to mid row 4 and 5. :/ super sienzzz. I don't know what farkin happen to row 2,3 and half of row 4... but oh well is not for me to know, I will found out when the day comes.
Right now, I just glad that I managed bought the tix! :D *yippee*

Yeah, that's all we wanna blog about, it's been a great experience! Lastly, Thank You Daddy, Thank you YG, IME Production, and Clio, and Thank You 2NE1 for coming to Malaysia again! See you guys during 24 May 2014! woots!
Till then,
♠ Have a NOLZA day ! ♠
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