Previous update: Brace #1 , Braces#2,3 , Brace#4 , Braces#5
Blogpost no.6 of my braces journey.
#16 : My 10th Visit : 24 July 2012
On my last visit, my ortho had given me new elastic for my braces to close up the gap from the tooth extraction. There's nothing much going on this time, my ortho just assigned me to continue wearing the 4 elastic to further notice.
#17 : My 11th - 13th Visit: 10 September 2012 - 12 December 2012
After few month of wearing elastic, my teeth had drastically improve from an under-bite to a normal bite. My ortho was really happy and he advised me not to wear the elastic anymore, instead they were using a "wire method" to close up the gap.
Remember the two blocks i mention b4 that were inserted, they were removed as well.At this point, i was actually very please with my teeth and i'm very happy on how it turns out :)
this was basically how my smile is during december , where i actually satisfied with how my smile turn out.
I've share this picture once during January FYI.
#18 : My 14th Visit. 23 January 2013
They inserted 2 new blocks in front (behind my front tooth) kinda leads me in even more pronunciation problem.
And my bottom teeth/jaw had slightly gone a little bit crooked to the left, so is it kinda "seget" already. TROLOLOL. Which cause the middle line to run and it doesn't look really good at all. So my ortho decide to put me back one elastic again, this time, 3 elastic to readjust the "middle line" of my bottom teeth to the center.
Ok a little rant here.
Basically, my dental works like this, the main ortho, Dr.How will have a look on my teeth, and he will assigned another ortho to do the adjustment. So, i was actually assigned to a "new" ortho, whom i had never seen him/her before. Not gonna mention names or gender here.
I really doesn't know much on this ortho that time but he/she end up really screw up my teeth. :(
For the past few months of wearing elastic, I've successfully achieve my normal bite, and after this visit, my teeth went back to the "severe" case of underbite. The gaps between my upper and lower jaw were getting bigger and I was literally very sad about it.
(L) How i would wear my elastic now
#19 : My 15th Visit. 9 March 2013
My ortho inserted the bite blocks again, this time he inserted at the bottom and continue wearing elastic again. From now, is actually wearing elastic to close up 2 gaps, the gaps from tooth extraction and the gap to re-position my bottom tooth back to a normal bite.
This is how they insert the new bite block.
#20 : My 16th - 22th Visit. 3 April 2013 - 13 September 2013
During this long period of waiting my gap to fully close up together, I'd remove the elastic and switch it back to the "wire method" from before, changed both of my upper and bottom wires, remove the block bite, remove the screws and re-position some of the brackets.
Basically what did my ortho told me was, i'm almost done and he just wanted to have the gap to close up 1st then only he will start to do the fine adjustment.
#21 : My 23th Visit. 10 October 2013
I've been not wearing any elastic since i removed it during my 16th visit in April, and this time i'm finally back to elastic. I think my ortho realize that the wire method couldn't really close up all the gap together since my sister gap had already disappear and mine is still quite there, so he decided to use the elastic again.
He had given me 2 new elastic to put on, just a simple elastic crisscross from the upper back tooth to the front lower tooth as so.
My crappy drawing of how i would wear my elastic now :P
So far, i think my teeth is on a pretty good track and i'm quite happy with it. :)
Just that i realize smile-line became a lil prominent from before, which i hope it will disappear at the end of my brace journey and my gummy smile became more obvious as well, and for that case my ortho say he could fix it with a laser treatment (which i still haven't decide should i go for it or not) :P
Umm yea, that's a wrap for today brace update~ I hope my update do helps some of you people out there to get to know more on my journey :)
My next appointment will be around mid November, i won't be updating monthly unless there's big changes on my next visit.
Till then, let's enjoy our day smiling.
Have a smiley day! :)
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