My face and lips were swollen and my lips started to peel.
Previous update: Brace #1 , Brace#2,3
Blogpost no.3 of my braces journey.
#12 : My 6th Visit. 18 January 2012
Today suppose to be the day where i need to insert the screw into my teeth but my ortho. said he won't do it today because CNY is around the corner and I can't eat all the delish food once he put in the screw. so yea postponed to the next appointment. Today's appointment is to replace my wire to a thicker one.. and tighten it as usual.
#13 : My 7th Visit. 9 March 2012
The BIG BIG DAY. The day where my ortho will put in a mini-screw into my mouth.
I went to my orthodontist early but the moment I get there the door was close, there were no staff nor people inside the dentistry. There's a list saying to use the entrance next door. My sister and I walk by and were doubting, and be like " you sure this is the place? how come it looks hella 5 stars classhhayyy all the sudden"
We were STILL, really uncertain so we called the dentistry and asked whether they are closed today.. apparently... no, they are open and I glance over the classy looking place and a girl is talking and looking at us so at that point, i know they've moved out from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor.
They even changed their name to even more fanshayy-err-classhayy-err name (a.k.a Beverly Willshire) which is why we never thought of going in.
While waiting, le me n sis shoes.
Few mins later, the nurse called us in and they put me n my sister in different rooms.
I went into the surgery room at bout 11am. I had a long waited and i overheard a few of the orthos discussing bout my tooth and how they shud treated it. Yes, most of them said it was a severe case, and the only way it could be treated with Jaw Surgery.
I'm eavesdropping into their discussion and I also heard that why my sister and i look different and why our jaw was different is due to the fact that when she was young she pulls one of her teeth which allowing her bottom jaw/tooth to move since there's space for it. As for me.. well maybe I never have my tooth pulled during that certain age and thus made my jaw grow that way.. ;____;
My ortho checks my teeth and he told me i have to extract two of my teeth in order to continue. I was a little surprised... i never thought that he extracts my tooth today so I've not mentally prepared for the extraction. I was so SCARE because whenever u have extraction there's always an INJECTION.
My ortho was busy... therefore, he assigns another ortho to do the extraction for me. She was soooooooooooooo KIND, LOVING and CARING. She even clean my teeth! :D
I was lying down on the dental chair and i was SHAKING, yes shaking.. I'm nt sure whether she saw it but she was really concern bout me being scare and kept asking me to be calm and treated me like a little 5-years old. *touching*
The whole process wasn't painful at all. Well maybe a little during the injection but i don't feel a thing during the extraction.I taste my own blood and my face started to get numb.. i couldn't talk.
I saw 2 of my teeth...being pulled. I felt very...emotional some how....it such a waste... teeth are precious they are a part of me, and pulling it like that is just doesn't seems right. ;___; huhuhu gurl here is sad.
Anyway, once the extraction had completed is time for the screw thingy. TWO-MOTHA-FUCKIN-PROCEDURE-IN-ONE-DAY! Some of the ortho from the discussion earlier came to have a look at how Dr.How is going to do the screw. It starts to make me feel anxious especially when there are 4 peeps starting at you and preparing to hold you down.
I was getting really scared nevertheless, especially hearing the sound of the screw inserting into the driller?? GOD THAT SHIT NEVERS SOUND SCARY UNLESS IT WAS GOING INTO YOUR FREAKIN MOUTH. The constant EEEEEEEeeeeeeekKKKkKkkkkk~ eeeeeeEEEkkkkk~~ woahhh stop dude... stapphhh...O_O
4 peeps pressing my body down, making sure I wouldn't flinch. I close my eye and it turns dark, little did I know is over. Even though it sounds scary but in reality, it doesn't really hurt as well. Ha..? *chuckles* I really don't understand what sorcery is this. IT DOESN'T HURT? AMAZING much? xD
After that, He taught me how to use "elastic" (sorta-like a mini rubber band) which i never thought I'll be having elastic as well, (so many surprises in a day, way better than my birthday) and they told me to always ALWAYS brush my teeth to avoid infection around that extraction and screw area.
I wanted to ask a thousannnndd of questions but once the whole process is finished my mouth was very very VERRRRRRY EXTREMELY UPER DUPERLY NUMB and i couldn't talk. My face felt like it was swollen from the inside but the outside look perfectly normal....A pain that only one who can felt but not others.Yea... i went to the toilet and see how do i look, indeed... it does look pretty normal...

Right : cotton insert into my mouth is full of BLOOD! xD
I went to watch Lorax after that my teeth hurt LIKE HELL. I can't talk i can't chew so the whole day i was eating liquid food. I went to JuiceWork... and the guy think I'm mute/dumb. FUNNY. HAHAHHAHAHAHA OH MY!! anyhow..
That's the end of my brace #4 post. I'll be updating more.
Till then.
Have a smiley day! :)
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