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Shanghai Disneyland pt.3 - Summary C: Park Info and Review

TRON: Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster

Hi guys! Today we will be blogging our 3rd part (Part C) of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) brief overview/review/summary! This blog post is about knowing and understanding inside of the park a little better, such as our fav top rides, fast pass system and etc :D

If you miss out on our previous post, on preparation and before the gates open. You could read it by clicking it on the link below.

We will separate this overview into a few parts. (please click the link to read)
A) Preparation before your trip
B) Information before you enter the park
C) Welcome to Shanghai Disneyland!
D) Brief summary of our Adventure

Surely, you have done some research otherwise, you be wasting some time thinking about where to go or what to do. Fear not, we will be sharing a few information and our personal tips and thoughts of the park. But no matter what, please refer to the Shanghai Disneyland website for full details.

* // DISCLAIMER: All information we share in this blog is based on our personal experiences during our visit to Shanghai Disneyland in June 2016. Information we share might change / not be accurate during the time of your visit. We advise our reader to use our information as a basic guideline/ for references only. We are not associated with the Walt Disney Company and any other entertainment company. All characters belong to Disney. All photographs (unless otherwise stated) contained on this site are our own, taken by us ( This means that we reserve the rights to all photos taken and posted by us. The purpose of this blog is to document and share our Disney experience with the readers.//*

[Written in June 2016]

PART C : (i) Welcome to Shanghai Disneyland!

You are officially entering the PARKKK!! Exciting amirite?!

1. The main areas in Shanghai Disneyland,
  • Mickey Avenue
  • Fantasyland
  • Gardens of imagination
  • Tomorrowland - Best Tomorrowland in my opinion!
  • Adventure Isle
  • Treasure Cove - 1st Pirate Theme land
  • Downtown Disney - A shopping district.
* Downtown Disney - I’m not sure if is under Disneyland or Resort but you could access from the outside and inside of the park.

Park Map

2. Rides & Attraction ( Our Personal Top 5 rides)
  • TRON: Lightcycle Power Run (10/10) - Tomorrowland
    - High-speed dark roller coaster ride you don’t wanna miss.
    - Grab a fast pass if you can because the queue can get pretty long.
    - We rode this during the parade and the queue was less than 30 mins.
    - TRON is way prettier during the night.
    - It's compulsory to store your bags in the locker.
    - The locker is free and it's located on the left-hand side of the entrance.
    - There’s a small compartment to put in your phone and small item in the light cycle.

  • Pirate of the Caribbean (10/10) - Treasure Cove
    - A dark boat ride of pirate adventures with Captain Jack Sparrow.
    - Impressive and jaw-dropping "Boat Ride", it was better than our expectation.
    - We rode this first thing in the morning, queuing is 20 min.
    - No Fast Pass Available

  • Soaring over the horizon (10/10) - Adventure Isle
    - Soar through the air with breathtaking sights around the world!
    - Very beautiful and realistic
    - The most beautiful surprise you'll get while queueing!
    - It put us in a good mood while riding this attraction, all happy and giggly.
    - Do not have a strong focus on Disney characters.
    - Don't worry, there's a space underneath the seat for you to put your bags.
    - We will die-hard to get the FastPass because we wouldn't ride this without a FastPass.

  • Enchanted Storybook Castle (7/10) - Fantasyland
    The score is judged based on the castle entirely.
    It is not just a castle but an attraction, restaurant, and kids’ boutique. Rides include:
  •  Voyage to crystal Grotto - (7/10)
    - A boat ride featuring Disney’s favourite classic along with music and pretty lights!
    - It’s prettier and fewer people during the night.
    - Evening queue took about 10 mins.
  • "Once Upon a Time Adventure" - Snow White story. (6/ 10)
    - Be a part of Snow White’s world as you walk through her fairy-tale story.
    - Fun to explore and look around.
    - Great for Snow White fan, sadly we’re not.
    - Everything is in mandarin.

  • Roaring Rapids (7/10) - Adventure Isle
    - A river rapid ride through Roaring Mountain.
    - It has a great view and some splashy moment.
    - A little bit family-friendly but still OK, not what we are expecting.
    - Wearing raincoat/poncho is advised but not a must.
    - Raincoat/poncho is available to purchase outside the ride and inside the queue for 10 yuan.
    - Lockers are provided and it's free for 3 hours, but you can bring along your bag if wish to do so.
    - We put our bags and our camera inside the locker for a more enjoyable experience.

Pirates of the Caribbean's morning queue, before the ride, opens.

3. Fast Pass (FP):
  • System
    - SHDL fast pass service is slightly different, unlike most parks.
    - The FastPass machines/kiosk are located at the "Guest Service" of the area.
    - Select the attraction you wish to play based on your location.
    - You will then received a fast pass ticket with a designated time.
    (Eg, To get Tron's FP, go to Tomorrowland's Guest Service and choose it from the machine. You cannot get Tron's FP from Adventure Isle's Guest Service)
    - Your second FP ticket is only available after an hour from your first FP (it was written in the FP ticket)
    - For more information, please visit their official website.

  •  Availability
    - Tron and Soaring fast pass ran out the fastest.
    - Soaring fast pass is ends faster than Tron (mostly in the morning )
    - If it's not crowded, Tron FP is still available at 11am for the 2-3pm round.
    - Roaring Rapids FP is not available on our visit.
    - As for other fast pass rides, it might available till evening (5pm) depends on the crowds
  • If you are in a group, assign someone to get your fast passes, ENSURE him/her to have EVERYONE'S PARK TICKETS ready as 1 Ticket for 1 Fast Pass only.

4. Parade:
  • Mickey Storybook Parade: 1:00PM, 4:30PM (Time may be varied and could cancel if is raining)
    - Mickey Storybook Parade will start from Tomorrowland to Treasure Cove
    - You could watch the Parade as long as you are standing along the parade route.
    - 30 mins before the parade starts, the cast member will inform the guest to walk the side of the road as the centre of the road will be used for the parade.

Love seeing the gang dancing together like this :D

5. Fireworks:
  • Ignite the dream fireworks: 8:30PM (20 min long) (Time may be varied and could cancel if is raining)
  • Few locations to view the fireworks,
    (i) In front of Enchanted Castle: This area have limited space capacity and it will be closed to the public once it is full. During our visit, this area was full at 7:30pm and we weren't allowed to enter anymore.
    (ii) Mickey Avenue: As suggested by most of the cast member.

  • We watch the fireworks in Garden of Imagination, but standing in 2 different spots (view A & B) stated below.
    -A: Garden of Imagination (Before lake) Near the Dumbo ride.Closer view of the projection & water show
    -B: Garden of Imagination (After lake) Be able to see the whole show as a whole, the projection is unclear since we were quite far, good for Photo Ops, the reflection of the castle is pretty.

  • *Bunny Tips* :
    - Both of us prefer watching the fireworks closer to the castle, as the projection is much clearer and you could see the water show as well. We went to the castle an hour early on both days and we managed to find a spot where there are no people in front of us.

View B - Firework view at Garden of Imagination, standing behind/after the lake.

6. Other Entertainment
There's are few other Entertainment & Shows we've seen and experiences.
  • Marvel Comic Academy (7/10)
    - Learn to draw Marvel Characters, with steps by steps instruction.
    - Lessons are conducted in mandarin.
    - Fun and entertaining, be fascinated by your own drawing !!
    - Available throughout the day.
    - Roughly 20-30 mins per lesson :)

  • Frozen Sing-A-Long Celebration (5/10)
    - Fun and interactive live stage show for kids and family.
    - Sing-a-long with Anna, Elsa, Olaf, and friends.
    - Showtime is roughly 45 mins different. (time may vary)
    - There is a time board outside the attraction for reference.
    - Songs are sung LIVE in Mandarin

  • Tarzan: Call of the Jungle (7/10)
    - A re-telling story of Tarzan performed in Chinese's acrobatic.
    - Very oriental (haha) Amazing stunts and performance.
    - The storytelling is in mandarin.
    - No basic knowledge of Tarzan could enjoy the show as well.

  • Club Destin-E (7/10)
    - Partying in a futuristic way.
    - Dancing, Dancing and more dancing!! Kids love this place!
    - The performers are very friendly and will invite you into the dance floor!
    - Or you could volunteer yourself in!
    - Uplifting music with pretty cool DJ booth.
    - Party starts at 6pm ( depends on your park schedule)

Anna introducing herself in mandarin

7. Meet & greet :
  • There's 10 and more meet and greet spot in the parks.
  • The queue for most of the meet & greet is pretty moderate, ranging from 5 mins to 30 mins wait.
  • The longest queues are the Princesses and Mickey Mouse.

8. Photopass Photographer :
  • There is photopass photographer around the park helping you to snap great photos.
  • Pass them your phone/camera and photopass card, and they will start snapping with your gadgets and their own camera.
  • You will receive a photopass card from them if you did not provide them with any. 
  •  Photopass card is a key to access the photo he/she took and you could view the photos from the app & website. 
  • You can purchase the photo(s) in the park or digitally.
  • You can also purchase photopass+ card from the store or digitally for unlimited downloads.
  • Some photopass photographer even helped us to shoo “inconsiderate” guest just to take that perfect shot! And some are just full of ideas teaching you to pose! HAHA!

9. Food & Pricing
  • We aren't a big eater, therefore we only ate 1 meal throughout the day...
  • Like all theme parks, everything in the park will be pricier than your typical stalls.
  • Here's some pricing of our food and merchandises we bought for your reference.
    *Price is subject to change according to your time of visit.*
    - Minnie Limited SHDL Ears: 125 yuan
    - Disney Characters Ears: 90 - 125 yuan
    - Disney Pin : From 49 yuan
    - Caramel Popcorn : 30 yuan (small size)
    - Popcorn Bucket : 65 yuan/ 95 yuan (souvenir bucket)
    - Cold Drinks : 10yuan / 15 yuan
    - Tangled Tavern : Please refer photo.

(From Left) Grand Opening Pepsi :48 yuan, Si Chuan Chicken Chop : 65 yuan,
Fish & Chips:70 yuan, Mango Pudding: 35 yuan

*Note: The meal comes with soft drinks, but we pay extra and bought the Limited Pepsi Can.

PART C : (ii) Bad Experience

A few bad experiences just little bit ups and downs for us.

1. Cutting Queue
  • I'm not trying to imply mainland Chinese are cutting queue experts, this behaviour can be seen any part of the world, but not going to lie, we did a encounter few during.
    - (i) Before the park   - (ii) Queuing for Roaring Rapid - (iii) Tron
    - Just to share a few examples so you can be alert.  
  • Here are a few examples :
    -They tend to cut your line from the side when you're not aware of your surrounding.
    -They will hold hands and everyone (like a whole family) will cut your queue together.
    -The mothers will ask their kid to sneak to the front, and the MOM will take this opportunity to go in front

  • Our experiences:
    A: Roaring Rapid
    So we're queuing for Roaring Rapid, it was boiling hot in this summer heat and the queue barely move. There's this couple in front of us, they stopped and buy some drinks (Yes there were CM selling drinks in the queue). The queue decides to move forward at that time and we, walk really slow and waited for them to come back in line. We open our hands really big to protect our spot. So this lady at the back of us wanted to go to the front and she was pissed that we were blocking her. And she sorta yelled at us why are we moving really slow and called us stupid or some sort. We were signalling to them that the front is for the couple and they are ACTUALLY coming back in line at that time. While we were letting the couple back in line, the angry mom holds her kid's hand and cut from the other side and we even saw her glide pass other people before us. *rolleyes*

    B : TRON
    When mainland Chinese hated their own people for doing the same thing. Ok, so in China, some families tend to have "different duties" in SHDL. I assume there's a family of four behind of us, and the Mom "duty" was to queue inline 1st, so later the Dad and kids could join her. While Dad makes his way to the front... An angry young adult HOLD THE DAD CLOTHES and shouted, PLEASE DO NOT CUT THE QUEUE! The mom reacts and said she was in the queue all the time and he was just "joining her". The young adult then replies, "IS EITHER YOU (THE MOM) GO TO THE BACK WITH THE DAD" or "YOU (the MOM) stay where you are and the DAD go back in line and wait like everyone else here" He even add on, My families were in front as well, but DID YOU SEE ME CUTTING QUEUE, NO! SO WHY SHOULD YOU?
    *claps drama alert claps* From what we see, this shows that not all Chinese fancy their own behaviours.

2. Personal Space
  • Not sure why but they tend to stay really close to you while queuing.
  • There's this 1 thing that we DISLIKE. It's summer and we understand that the weather is hot. But we can't seem to understand why some of the mainland GUYS/UNCLES likes to pull up their shirts and show their belly to "cool' themself from the heat. The thought that people might accidentally bump into their sweaty belly makes us feel uncomfortable.
  • We're lucky that we did not bump into any sweaty bellies front/back. *laughs*

3. Low Patience
  • We also notice that the Mainland Chinese have REALLY LOW PATIENCE level.
  • We're not saying all of em' but we heard complaints every time we were queuing for rides, for fireworks, for parades etc. (Thus that is why they always wanted to cut the queue when there's a chance)
  • The one complain are mostly parents with annoying kids, some even decide to leave the queue after waiting for 20 minutes. Guess they are not used to standing.
  • We even witness a Father yelling at Donald Duck because he got no more patience to wait another 5 mins for Donald to come back.

4. Rubbish
  • While the park was spotless, and the cleaners were really fast with their sweeping duty.
  • The cleanliness inside the queue was well... meh.
  • Say Roaring Rapid for an example, like we said, CM was selling drinks in the line and we didn't really see any trash can and when there's 1, it was filled with a mountain of rubbish.

Well, that's all for today post! What do you think about this post?  (ノωヽ)

Please let us know if you do not understand, or you can comment below or message us if you have any question about the park, we will try to share and answer what we know, we apologize if we cannot provide a proper answer.

Stay tuned for our last summary/overview post, Part D - "Brief Summary about our adventure" where we jot down the time and places we went, basically our timetable. :D

Till then.

Have a great day!
Fattybunbun 🐾

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