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Shanghai Disneyland pt.2 - Summary B: Before Entering

Mickey balloon up up in the sky

Hi everyone! This blog post is Part B of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) brief overview / review/summary! To read our 1st part, Part A Preparation , you could read it by clicking it here, or the link below. (`・ω・´)

We will separate this overview into few parts. (please click the link to read)
A) Preparation before your trip
B) Information before you enter the park
C) Welcome to Shanghai Disneyland!
D) Brief summary of our Adventure

Alrwighty then! Shall we start?

* // DISCLAIMER: All information we share in this blog is based on our personal experiences during our visit to Shanghai Disneyland in June 2016. Information we share might change / not be accurate during the time of your visit. We advise our reader to use our information as a basic guideline/ for references only. We are not associated with the Walt Disney Company and any other entertainment company. All characters belong to Disney. All photographs (unless otherwise stated) contained on this site are our own, taken by us ( This means that we reserve the rights to all photos taken and posted by us. The purpose of this blog is to document and share our Disney experience with the readers.//*

[Written in June 2016)

PART B :Information before you enter the Park

1. People
  • There is always the Super Early Birds, no matter if is weekdays, weekends or grand opening day.
  • We arrived the gate at 7:15am and roughly 300 people is already ahead of us. But we got an idea... *laughs*

  • *Bunny Tips*
    - The queue will start from the left side, so we search for lines at the right and also with lesser people and less bulky bags.
    - During our arrival time, the gates on the right (6-10) was not open, the security moved guest to the right, when the queue on the left (1-5) are too long/full.
    - We upload a map below for a better understanding.

Grey dot indicate Park guest ;
Blue dot indicate Security 

2. Security
  • There's one or more security guard standing in front of each gate / beginning of the line, guarding the gates and help organizing the crowd before it open.

  • Once the gates are open, the guards will allow guest to walk pass through him to have their bag check batch by batch.
    - The guest at the 1st row will went in first;
    - When they are nearly done with their bag check,  the 2nd row continues, and so on.

  • Major thumbs up for managing the crowds and queuing line.
  • Still, please beware of the crazy pushing from the back and people cutting queue from the side of your line

Security guard that was on duty during our visit.

3. Bag Check
  • People with no bags DO NOT NEED to queue for bag check. 
  • Security will let you in while the bag-packers queue and waits for its bag. Nothing to worry about it’s just a simple bag check.

4. Tickets:
  • For non-ticket holder:
    - Ticket purchaser have to show his/her passport/ china ID.
    - As well as, the confirmation/booking number.
    - Your ticket will be printed out on the spot and you are ready to go!!

  • For ticket holder (guest who have 2 days ticket):
    - No verification needed.
    - All you have to do is to show em' your park tickets.
    - And they will scan the QR code from your ticket and bamm you are IN !!!

A photo of our Park ticket and fastpass

BUT WAIT ! Don't get too excited yet!

5. 2nd round of queuing: (ignore this section if you arrive after 9am)
  • You're inside the park but you still couldn't enter if is not 9am yet. (Cast member might open up 10mins early sometimes)
  • Cast member (CM) and security will guard at the entrance right before Mickey Avenue which is under the Mickey clock tower.

  • Few cast members are selling merchandise.
    - They have a small trolley where you could buy the classic Minnie ears, umbrellas, the (super cool but expensive) electric fan and more.
    - Merchandise may vary depending on the season.

  • The clock strikes at 9, everyone rushes forward and suddenly it turns to a marathon race despite all the CM told us not to run *laughs* 
  • Majority went for the fast passes and queue for hot attractions in the park.
  • And now! You finally enter Shanghai Disneyland !! 

Park guests wait and queue for the 2nd time before officially enter SHDL.

We've come to the end of the post!
The process was pretty easy, isn't it? Maybe perhaps there's no shade nor fan before the gates, so is pretty hot and sunny but we didn't have much problem with that.
We have relatively high patience level so waiting for 2 hours earlier is not a biggy to us. Being a morning person for Disneyland is never a bad idea, early birds get the worms.😊

You can continue to read Part C of the Summary Post  “C) Welcome to Shanghai Disneyland” by clicking here. A quick get-to-know about this magical place. (●´ω`●)

Till then.

Fattybunbun 🐾

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