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Shanghai Disneyland pt.4 - Summary D: Our Park Itinerary

Hello from our room in Toy Story Hotel

Hi there, g' day everyone!
We have been writing our SHDL summary 3 parts now, and it's going well...I guess. (*^‿^*). This post is the 4th part of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) brief overview/summary where we list down our ten days park itinerary a.k.a our timetable.

We thanked you for reading and following our story this far. The following SHDL post that we will be posting after this will be our SHDL’s travelogue.

Shanghai Disneyland pt.3 - Summary C: Park Info and Review

TRON: Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster

Hi guys! Today we will be blogging our 3rd part (Part C) of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) brief overview/review/summary! This blog post is about knowing and understanding inside of the park a little better, such as our fav top rides, fast pass system and etc :D

If you miss out on our previous post, on preparation and before the gates open. You could read it by clicking it on the link below.

Shanghai Disneyland pt.2 - Summary B: Before Entering

Mickey balloon up up in the sky

Hi everyone! This blog post is Part B of our °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) brief overview / review/summary! To read our 1st part, Part A Preparation , you could read it by clicking it here, or the link below. (`・ω・´)

We will separate this overview into few parts. (please click the link to read)
A) Preparation before your trip
B) Information before you enter the park

Shanghai Disneyland pt.1 - Summary A Preparation

The beauty of Shanghai Disneyland Enchanted Storybook Castle

Hi everyone! On June 22nd – 23rd 2016, we went to °o° Shanghai Disneyland (SHDL) in China! Coming from a Disney Fan in Malaysia, never in our life we thought we could visit the grand opening month of a Disney park!

Therefore, we are really grateful and lucky to have this opportunity! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*yayayay*
As excited as you are, we woulda like to share a brief overview/review/summary/personal thoughts of our Shanghai Disneyland trip.