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Braces pt.1


Hi, YV here.
I used to write my braces journey in my personal blog but since i think it might be useful to others, i decide share my journey publicly too. To read all of my braces journey you can click the tag "Metal-mouth Me" :)

My continue journey here : Brace#2,3 , Brace#4

In this post, i will start summarize/explaining my Braces Journey, emm yeah let's get started.

#0 a : been persuading my parents for letting me to have braces since i was 15. Years goes by, it seems that everyone of us have been too busy doing our own stuff, and eventually have forgotten about my braces topic. I've been teased for tonz of time that i have a crescent moon shaped face and face reminded them of McD Night Commercial. LOL

From : Youtube

You see, my teeth was in a perfectly normal position when i was young. I don't have an underbite, i don't have a long chin and i never even have plan on getting braces. *cough.. NAHH.. my jaw was still considered long when i was young, and my teeth was a lil bit crooked too. well a little*cough cough*

Okay maybe is wasn't perfect but it's normal child-like teeth. By the time i started to grow taller, my chin/jaw started to grow longer too.ヽ(゚〇゚)οΎ‰
Therefore, my teeth started to go out of place and there's goes my perfectly normal teeth and comes and underbite.

#0 b : 2010 - Jan 2011
I told my mom that i wanted to have braces and she ALLOWED me to have one. (´v`*)
I remember she asked her friends.. and she even asked me to get a pass from school..*from what i know you can have student discount if you apply from a school?* Again, they had forgotten and procrastinate till... this year.

When i asked their permission again to get brace, and this time i told them i WILL USED my own saving for it. They never took it seriously.. and they still procrastinate till JULY.. where my aunt was KIND enough to took me and my sister to a Orthodontist where my cousin had their braces. ( ◡‿◡ ♡)

#1 : JULY 2011. My 1st visit to the Dentist/Orthodontist. (Let's call him Ortho A)Well he did a basic check up, x-ray and a mold, took a few photos of our teeth and we went home after that.

#2 : My 2nd visit to the same Orthodontist (Ortho. A).
This time i went there with my dad. He explain what and how he will going to do yea my sister case was straightforward and simple,since there's nothing wrong with her teeth just a little crooked on top.

My case was a borderline case, where by he only manage to get my top and bottom teeth in a same alignment. Not to mention, he say i have to wear a retainer for a lifetime after my braces was completed, if not my teeth will jump back to the original position (underbite position).ヽ(゚〇゚)οΎ‰


There's another solution... Jaw Surgery.

#3 : My 3rd visit to Ortho.A.
Since my dad keep denying what i/Ortho A had told him when we went home and how serious my teeth is, he want to "DOUBLE" confirm what the ortho had said previously, so we went back just to listen his explanation again.
Even so but my dad kept fighting back that he was right..and there's no problem with my teeth. so yea... :/ well, we are always the best in parents eyes.

#4 : AFTER 2 MONTHS. YES 2 MONTHS from the 3rd visit.  I asked my parents, WHEN WILL YOU BRING ME TO THE ORTHO again? I asked this question daily for the past 2 months. And they didn't bring me there. I guess they really doesn't we me have braces huh...?

I didn't stop asking and eventually they started to get annoyed of me asking....*lol* by the end of my semester break, they FINALLY agree to bring me to the Ortho A again. BUT not to agree on the brace treatment, just to listen Ortho. A explanation again (cause they have

#5 : OCTOBER 2011.
My 4th visit to Ortho. A and my semester 3 started, i skip the 1st day of my semester 3 and this time my mom went along to listen too. While the doctor started explaining, my parents started to deny the doctor feel a lil annoyed and walk out the Ortho. clinic, standing outside waiting them to finish.

In the car, my dad told me he will bring me and visit the surgeon this time, so i was like.. "emm..oh..okay..." but in my heart i'm shouting in gleee, like YIPEEEE*

#6 : OCTOBER 2011
We went to Mid Valley to visit the surgeon.
The surgeon explain the procedure of the surgery , he had to cut my bone and use metal plate to join them together. (Read more here.) Which gave no big surprise for me since I've done lotsa research on this surgery before. There's even videos of this on youtube.
The surgery fee was EXPENSIVE even the consultation fee was expensive ..... and my dad grumble...SO by default, he won't allow me to do this surgery.. Not to mention, the bone cutting method is a very dangerous approach... :X

#7 : Remember the part i told you i've done research on the surgery? Well upon my research,i stumble into a Mandarin blog written by a Malaysian Chinese going tru/facing a similar problem as mine. My mandarin is pretty bad, and i could only able to digest part of her writings with the help of google translate. Hence, i email her and asked about her surgery. She was very kind and answer my question politely. She even recommended her Ortho (Dr.How, but let's call him, Ortho B ) and her Surgeon to me.

#8 :  I went and visited the Orthodontist she recommended in Bangsar, i have my 1st consultation with Ortho B there. Ortho B was more experience than the one before and my dad was pleased. (for...a...while....)

No matter how good was the service there, my dad will find something to "talk" about. I mean that place was the most well-service dentistry i have ever been and he had to find something to say, like, "the girl at the counter never explain the fees correctly" to Ortho B. *lol*

FYI, the girl explain it very clearly.

#9 : 24 October 2011 My dad FINALLY agrees and allowing me to get braces, and so, we went back to Ortho B!
This was my 2nd visit and my sister 1st visit to Ortho B, and guess what O_O
Once my dad gave them the green light, chop chop it goes, the ortho and nurses immediately start attaching the brackets and wire onto my upper teeth. WHICH I DEFO DIDNT SEE IT COMING....

Our payment is paid by installment, and i guess during the first consultation with Ortho B my dad had already pay they 1st installment / consultation fee, which explain why Ortho B decided to waived/start with the brace treatment during my 2nd visit.

The journey finally starts! And will continue... on my up coming post :) HERE
My next visit is on Dec 6, which is after my assessment... Hoorah.. assessment date is on 29th NOVEMEBER... and i'm still BLOGGING.

Till then.
Have a smiley day! :)

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