Hello, fattyvon here! This my 1st tech review. I don't know why but i'm so excited!
Before i got LG Lollipop, I can't decide to have a phone that is useful or a phone that I love... very very VERY much. (BigBang, 2ne1 anyone?) In the end i made up my mind to get a something that i love and that's the one of main reason why i bought LG lollipop.
Eventhough the phone release agesss and is not very popular anymore... *smackself* ; and they even have LG lollipop 2 now *double smack* and...who knows i might change to a smart phone one day *triplesmackself*
But, back to the point, another reason i bought LG Lollipop is that I've been sharing a phone with my sis ever since. Now i have save up enough money, i think is about time each of us have our own phone.
Basically, LG GD580 or LG Lollipop is a flip phone from KOREA, which comes in 3 BRIGHT color , Pink, Blue and Grey, now with 2 new colors, Red and Green = 5 colors.
They were call CYON Lollipop in Korea but here in Malaysia they call it as LG Lollipop.
This phone is release in 2009 (Korea) and around mid of 2010 (Malaysia)
I bought the grey one since....the other colors are TOTALLY out of stock.I want the blue one soooo BADLLLYYYY! But the grey one is still good la :) very classyyy *winks*
I bought it at the price of RM750 and few months later.. i saw the phone were selling much more cheaper

left - LG Lollipop, and right - SE W508

LG Lollipop is much longer compare with SE W508

And it is slimmer too.

On the right you will have the usb port and the camera shutter.

At the back you will have a 3MP camera

The Key Pads are quite small ..

This phone are famous for their LED display, you can customize the LED too


Two themes to choose from, Blue and Pink
A short Video to show how beautiful the LED is and some other functions as well :D
Password : bigbang
As for the battery, i do some research and most of the LG Lollipop user complain that the battery runs out very fast... i'm not a phone kind of person so..my battery can last for 3 days or so. :D
Overall, this phone is acceptable/okay for a normal user (like me). You can give LG Lollipop a try if you plan to have a stylish simple flip phone to play with, or if you are a fan of KPOP, or you just think the song Lollipop is too cute! But c'mon... everyone know the truth is still because of BIGBANG and 2NE1!
A big no-no, If you are the type of person who love to use phone 24/7, sms, talking , twitter, fb or play games. Since the phone is quite laggy and slow.. plus you can't download any application so yea.. is better save up your money to buy something better, plus the keypad is quite difficult to press (sometimes)
This phone doesn't have a Wi-Fi connection as well, so think twice before you spend on this! But for me, I TOTALLY LOVIN' IT :D
Till then ;)
Be sure to check out the mv below~~ Bet you'll loved it for sure :)
Big Bang x 2NEl sang the commercial for
CYON Lollipop in Korea.
Loli loli loli pop!
Till then,
Von ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
fellow bj here <3