Ahh yes...CUSTOM...oh geez...trust me, anything that have the word custom..is always no good! Today...i (fattyvon) was lucky..that's the only reason why i put a smiley face :D in the title.
To get things straight, this post is not about Malaysian Custom/Culture.
Nope not about this~
I'm TALKING bout this : cus·toms noun (plural) /หkษstษmz/
customs, plural
1. The official department that administers and collects the duties levied by a government on imported goods
- cocaine seizures by customs have risen this year
- a customs officer
2. The place at a port, airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage
- arriving refugees were whisked through customs
3. The duties levied by a government on imported goods
To make it short, is an agency that "hold" your stuff you ordered from overseas for a short period of time that which you have to pay some extra money (TAX) to get your stuff back.
This is how all of this started.
Few week ago, My sister and I , Zoe and her friends were buying stuff online from Gmarket. The stuff there were...kinda cheap cute , and soooooo KOREAN-ish :D We are girls, and girls addicted to shopping. cute stuff and etc etc. Since this is our first time, we bought like 12 stuff at one time.
Here's the amount of things we bought.
And the price.
Days later, after we sort out all the payment and stuff, Zoe went and track down our stuff from EMS...
Gmarket sent our stuff on 28th of March and it arrive to Malaysia on the 29th of March bla bla bla, which is super duper fast! Sad case was.....OUR STUFF had been HANDED OVER TO CUSTOMS. *eeekkkk*
For us teenage girls that had zero experiences on buying things overseas, both of us was like...wth...what to do what to do...and started to freak out! LOL.
On the 30th March, Zoe recieved a mail from POS Malaysia saying that,
a. We had to claim our stuff back from KLIA. O_________O
b. Pay RM50 to Pos office or stmg, and they will handle it for us.
C. If we don't get our stuff within 14 days, they will send it back to KOREA
We choose option B at 1st but....is gave us even bigger problem O____O so yea... the only way to retrieve our stuff back was..option A... KLIA..
Before i begin the procedure on "how we get our stuff back" ...wtf...
A big thank u to my beloved father for fetching us all the way to KLIA!! Seriously, a biggggg thank you to my dad! *applause*
We arrived at KLIA this morning , Zoe and I headed to the information counter and asked bout the customs thingy. The lady at the info counter direct us to the pos office inside KLIA.
Then, the guy at the pos office told us that, we can't collect our stuff here... instead, we needed to went to this building which located beside LCCT. So we jumped back into my dad's car and headed all the way to LCCT.
There, we saw 2 buildings, the POS MALAYSIA building and the another building. The guy at the pos office never really told us which building to go so....we went to the another building 1st. We have no idea what to do there.. .. so we asked this 2 nice cops (they were reading mornings newspaper in the office, LOL sorry for disturbing . :D) and...they told us we went to the wrong building....
We jumped back into the car again...and straight to POS MALAYSIA. So POS MALAYSIA is the place u collect your parcel. But wait! The story doesn't end here peepos...we have few more steps to go!
The 1st step you have to do was get yourself a vistor pass.
After that, find this room (which located at your left hand side after the main entrance) and register yourself
Next you have to went to this counter and retrieve your package *yay*
Our package!
Then you have to went here to pay your tax and stuff.
Before paying , this guy here wanted to check our stuff so yea...we open the box and check.
Stuff we bought from Gmarket
This guy here was calculating the taxes but he was uncertain at some point so he asked this another boy. They were asking our invoice and stuff but, both of us look so totally innocent and blur and we have no idea what invoices was that either...so...this guy here set us free without paying a single SEN!!
I consider myself very lucky because my dad saw the tax sheet and we have to pay bout RM200+ for the TAX. So, Zoe and I was like #fuckyeah! No single sens were charge, THANKKK YOUUUUU GODDDD and We grab our stuff and walk out the building #likeaboss.
We learned a valuable lesson today, no more ordering whole pack of stuff at one time to save shipping fee...wtf.
So here's some advice if you're planning to order stuff from G-market.
1. Stay between 4-5 orders at a time
2. If possible, don't exceed RM500 per order (our order cost ₩199,300, is above RM500)
** The reason our parcel caught in custom because it was label under HIGH VALUE GOODS.
Till then ;)
Here's the map to the Pos Malaysia.
View Larger Map
Till then,
Von ( ´ ▽ ` )๏พ
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