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Mickey & Minnie Toy Shop Jigsaw Puzzle

Mickey and Minnie Toy Shop (Tenyo Japan)
1000 pieces
Difficulity :  2.8/5
Time used : 9 hours

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~*hopes around in joy*

Our dad bring us to Mid Valley yesterday to buy ...U guess it! Puzzle!
Too bad the puzzle we really really wanted is not available at puzzle world. :( *sobs* Seriously, it broke our heart really bad. D:*sobs*

Anyhow, we still gotta buy a puzzle.We're not gonna leave the store empty handed. Soo... we've no choice but to choose the 2nd puzzle we wanted in my Puzzle wish list, and that puzzle cost us a FORTUNE!!! D: D: D: Disney puzzles are freakin' expensive lo. Frame and Puzzle itself cost RM 5XX!

After few hours of problem solving, we finally complete the puzzle.*yay us*
And this is how the puzzle look like when it glows~ *drum roll please* da da da da da da daaaaam.

Super duper PRETTY!

Close up

Another close up

Glowss in the dark...:D

Till then,
Have a magical day! °o°

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