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Braces pt.2 & pt.3

Previous update: Brace #1

On today post I will not be focusing much on journey/process but the frequently ask question i got from my friends, family and etc. So ya Blogpost no.2 of my journey. There's still a mini update below the FAQ so don't miss out!

Yes it hurts! For the first 24-48 hours! or to put it, once every month? *laughs*
Still, it depends on individual i guess.. but to me, The bonding part (where they glue the brackets on to your teeth) was not painful at all.

Braces pt.1


Hi, YV here.
I used to write my braces journey in my personal blog but since i think it might be useful to others, i decide share my journey publicly too. To read all of my braces journey you can click the tag "Metal-mouth Me" :)

My continue journey here : Brace#2,3 , Brace#4

In this post, i will start summarize/explaining my Braces Journey, emm yeah let's get started.

Review : LG Lollipop

Hello, fattyvon here! This my 1st tech review. I don't know why but i'm so excited!

Before i got LG Lollipop, I can't decide to have a phone that is useful or a phone that I love... very very VERY much. (BigBang, 2ne1 anyone?) In the end i made up my mind to get a something that i love and that's the one of main reason why i bought LG lollipop.


Ahh yes...CUSTOM...oh me, anything that have the word always no good! Today...i (fattyvon) was lucky..that's the only reason why i put a smiley face :D in the title.

To get things straight, this post is not about Malaysian Custom/Culture.