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Cartoon Network Amazone - Shuttle Service Info

It's Infomation Time !!


This is a sub-post to our Cartoon Netowork Amazone (CNA) water park blog post. Head on over here for all the amazing fun-splashing moments we had! (・∀・)οΎ‰☆

Even though we didn’t use their shuttle service, we would like to share some additional informations to anyone who’s reading / planning to go to Cartoon Network Amazone in Pattaya Thailand~ We make an enquiry regarding on the transportation services to CNA previously via email and CNA provides shuttle van service from your hotel in Pattaya City to their water park!!

Please refer to their website for better understanding, as we only cover up what it stated in the email. We apologize if there's any mistake or outdated information in this post.

1) First thing first!
  • Take note that you need to make your reservation/email at least 24 hours prior to the date that you would like to come to the Park.
  • Your booking will be valid once you receive confirmation from Cartoon Network reservation team. The confirmation will be sent within 24 hours.

2) Email your reservation at (Latest update: Oct’2015)

3) State the Time & Info
  • Cartoon Network shuttle service has two trips (9:00 – 16:00 or 11:00 - 18:00). Do state which trip you would like to go and provide them your basic information in the email.

  • * For references only*
     Date of Visit  25/10/2015
     Pick up Time  9:00 – 1600 or
     Hotel Name
     Hotel Room No.
     Guest Name
     No. of Adults
     No. of Child
     Contact Number
     Contact Email

4) Payment
  • Make your payment at Cartoon Network Ticketing area while you collect your Cartoon Network Amazone wristband.
  • (CNA wristband is like an entrance ticket to the waterpark, it’s also serve as a cash wallet and it’s also used to operate your lockers)

5) Bonus. Since we’re writing the shuttle bus info anyway, we will also drop our Q&A that we’ve asked in the email as well ^^
    Q : Can we board the bus/van on 9:00 and return at 18:00?

    A : If you would like to return back earlier or later from their scheduled time you can :-

    a) Check time to time if there’s any empty seat during their return time (16:00 or 18:00).Anyhow, if the van is full you need to find your own transport.
    b) Go back by taxi. CNA have taxi counter service and you can contact them directly.
    c) You can pay for shuttle bus at cashier counter # 9 (100 Baht per person)

Basically that’s it! Again so sorry but we did not use their services in the end, because our hotel provided us the transportation service to the water park, and we went there by TAXI. Nevertheless, we hope our information is useful to anyone who like to visit Cartoon Network Amazone in the future!!!!! Enjoy your day!!!

Till then.

Thank You for reading,

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