Hello!! today I had accomplished something important, something that I had procrastinate for years and struggle for months (not really). Something small yet so big (GB SPACE) , something wonderful and fascinating.
Yes. I’ve finally finished my Pokémon White.
No it isn’t White 2 or black. Just, White.
To celebrate my accomplishment, I shall share and post up a series of pictures of my Pokémon white journey. Enjoy~ I hope.
Oh. Before that peeps, here’s a quick share on how I play Pokémon white on my pc.
There are two things you have 2 download, the Nintendo DS Emulator and the game (ROM).
You can get the emulator from here,
and the ROM game from here.
Download them both and run it on your PC. That’s it!
This is my guru, who guide me throughout the game lmao.

You can play without it.
Like always, I started off at our little hometown.

Accumula Town, the sky changes based on your actual time.

This is my professor and 2 of my best buds. Bianca and Cheren.

Ugh there goes trouble, team plasma and their leader Ghetsis.

Beautiful Striaton City, see that 3 powerpuff guys on top? yep they are the gym leaders.

Route 3, where you see the pokemon day care :D
Below would be Nacrene City and the library aka the gym.

Skyarrow bridge to Castelia City , i love how artistic it is.
Look at those angles and views. SO LOVELY!

The Busiest City of Unova~? Seems like it.

Here we are at Nimbasa City, freaking cool amusement-park-looking city. Check out that huge pikachu dammn yo, and those pokemon musical show.

You even go on a romantic ferris wheel ride with this rival named N.
He even share secrets with ya, oh god.
The view and angles on this game is pretty awesome.

Nimbasa City gym, totes cool. It have this a rollercoaster electro ride as the interior.

Stop by at Anville Town, pretty peaceful. Loving the train though.

This bridge leas to Driftveil City.

Alas, here i am at Driftveil city. They even have pasar pagi pasar malam pasar 24/7.

Gym leader of Driftveil City,

Yolo-ing at the freaking airport runway.
It's snowing too! Awww how pretty :D

Celestial Tower aka ghost tower.

Yes, i rang the bell and gurl mind your own biz.

Mistralton City Gym, shoots you in a canon and makes you go pooffff nnggwakk and poofff

Went in to Twist Mountain cave and came out with snow damn how long have i hibernate inside.

Spinning in Icirrus City haha, look at that forever alone girl spinning alone on top right.

Icirrus City, covered with snow inside and out.

Dragonspiral Tower, I can see my reflection how pretty!

When N is befriended with the cool kids and you felt like a total loser.
Where is my legendary, i have to find my legendary.

On route 9, you are able met some rich boy who loooovvvee to shops.
and bad biker dudes and dudettes.

Tubeline Bridge leads to Opelucid City. Legend say it looked different in Black and White.
The gym has a dragon looking interior, pretty cool too.

Look how beautiful a simple route can be.
Here i encounter the Badge Check Gate.

Make things short, No badges = No entry.
You have to show your badges you collected throughout the journey to get through the gates.

It leads you to Victory Road, i felt VIC-TO-RY ALREADY~

On top of the VIC-TO-RY road. it leads you to the Pokemon Leauge.

Elite four with their beautiful structure "gym".
PS. I KO tons of time here, such a loser ain't no victory for me

After defeating the Elite Four,
It leads you to N's Castle what a rich fella.

It even rise from the underneath damn

Inside you see few grandpa's trying to pick a fight with me.
And my crews came and backup, That's what friends for.

N's Castle is beautifully structure as well.

N summons his legendary and my dark stone emerged

You are mighty, but not mighty enough.

Legendary Dragon Showdown with N, the defeat made him speechless.
However,Ghetsis enters and yo yoy yoyooyooo to N.

Ouch, Ghetsis. That hurts my little pixel hearts.

He created Tea.

That's enough for the spoiler hahaha.


Meaningful lesson. Take note.

Thank you for the fun times!
I'm looking forward to the future pokemon games :D
Till then,
Gotta catch'em all! hahahaa
YL \(★ω★)/
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