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Baked KitKat Experiment!

Happy Chinese New Year everybody.
Went shopping yesterday and I saw Baked KitKats in the department store, so I bought 2 packet out of curiosity. It was quite expensive in Malaysia, cost RM17.88 each. I actually thought the pumpkin flavor is a ready-to-eat KitKat,however it was another baked KitKat!! So lucky then! I'm trying two different flavors today.

Japan and their oh so kawaii packaging!

There's japanese instructions at the back of the packaging

Kitkat have their own tutorial video of baking baked Kitkat. You can check it out below.
The chef in the video, used a TOASTER OVEN to bake his KitKat, BUT, I only have a normal oven and a microwave at home. LOLOL. I don't know will work or not but no harm trying right?

So today, i'm writing my experiment like how we do Science report in Sekolah Menegah (High School). Report below is not in a correct format, and I agak write it from my memories~~ I also merged both of my experiment (normal oven & microwave) together.

OK! Let's start!

Problem Statement : How KitKat turns out using a NORMAL OVEN and MICROWAVE.

Hypothesis : The KitKat will turns out delicious and look exactly in the video.

Manipulated Variables : Type of oven used
Responding Variables : The Result of the Kitkat
Existing Variables : Aluminium foil, cookie tray,  plate, KitKat

Apparatus : Baked KitKat, Pumpkin Flavor KitKat (optional), aluminum foil, cookie tray, plate, cameras

Things you need.

"FAIL" procedure :
A. Oven
1. Lined cookie tray with aluminium foil, and placed the KitKats above the foil.
2. Put the KitKat into the oven (i didn't preheat the oven), place the KitKat in the oven at 260 degree (that's the max temperature my oven could go) for 10 minutes.
3. Observe the KitKat closely and remove once it turns golden brown.
4. Remove the KitKat and place it on a plate.

B. Microwave
1. Line tray with aluminium foil, placed the KitKat above and put into the microwave.
2. Set a timer and observe closely.
3. Remove the KitKat once it's hardened or turn golden brown.

Observation :

1. The KitKat smells soooo delicious, they have very strong sugar vanilla scent outside of the packaging. So, when you walk into the kitchen, it smells like unbaked vanilla cookie dough that ready to baked!

2. We didn't preheat the oven because the chef in the video said do not pre-heat. Since we didn't preheat the oven, the KitKat melt and have gooey texture all around instead of turning into golden brown.

3. The KitKat started to have a slighty golden texture 5 mins after , but it was only on the top, we remove the KitKat from the oven 3 minutes later because some got BURNED TT__TT

4. After removed, we touch the KitKat outer texture, the texture is very gooey and soft.

KitKats 5 mins after look like this

5. Since we failed to baked from the oven, we decide to try using the microwave.
We place the Kit Kat into a plate and put into the microwave. And...the microwave is... much more worse than using an oven. Outcome... KitKat look exactly the same before baked LOL....

Discussion :
1. "IT'S RAW!" *imitating Gordon Ramsay* - This was my respone after my 1st bite of the baked kitkat.

2. I question myself, is it safe to eat unbaked KitKat...?Am i eating raw batter that is coating the kitkat biscuit? or are this white chocolate?
It's smells like unbaked vanilla batter...and I am no food expert so i can't determine what it is. :(

3. At the same time, my guts tells me it's safe to eat.
Because the Japanese is always very careful with their product so i guess you can eat them unbaked too #forevertrustjapanesebrand but baking them before hand it's a much more safer idea, just my two-cent la.

*// Update //* : Did a research on google and it's optional to bake your kitkat, yes, you can eat them unbaked !! The baking was to create a fun and unique experience eating Kitkat  (´• ω •`)ノ


Use Oven is better than microwave, preheat the oven for better outcome, for BEST outcome, buy one of those cute red toaster in the video.

Tho my KitKat is categories as a FAIL category from the KitKat website HAHAHA but it still taste pretty unique hor~

My burned KitKat *feels so proud, pats pats*

The differences of baked KitKat was it taste very very sweet, a little to too sweet for me. It sorta resemble a mixture of caramel and the smell or bread? The texture is crunchier than normal KitKat tho!
And the best/unique part of eating this...! They were freshly BAKED HOT! It's HOT KITKAT! You don't eat HOT feeling KitKat everyday, not those put-in-the-car-long-time hot ya, is different!

and last.y.... i would appreciate if you not ask me which is the pumpkin/normal baked flavor.
I totally can't taste the difference between those two, hah~ yes... (*/_\)

That's all for my experiment today, i hope from my mistakes, you learn something :)

P.s, I realize everytime i attempt to do something with food i end up failing it...Sea salt ice cream, cupcakes, cookies and now kitkat...*flipstable* ヽ(゚〇゚)ノ

Till then!

--------- REPORT END :P---------

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