We've been keeping in the corner of our room for some time because we're such a cute addict that ripping up the cute packaging apart were a sin to us! LOL!
We only open few of them till today! We will post the others next time. So in memory of my beloved Japanese snacks that we'd ate, let us flood you with food photos.

#1 Mickey and Minnie love biscuit
you know, we doesn't know they were biscuit until we open it.
We bought this inside our hotel, we're staying at one of the official hotels so there's a Disney Store inside. Managed to steal many things in a cheaper price, one of them was this, oh this come in another version too where we bought for our friends as souvenirs *no photo*
AND BOTH were on SALES! WOHHHOO! A little unexpected... well because it's JAPAN.

Really love how they come in tins instead of boxes.

Taste like normal butter milk biscuit

#2 Minnie I do Magic biscuit
This is from TDR too. Not bad right from the outside? But we opened this Halloween version with a great shock :/
From the tin outside, I still can't judge what it is, but we wasn't surprise if this is another-food-biscuit-inside souvenir. Even this doesn't have any nice printed Minnie face, we won't be disappointed because, imo the biscuit wrapper is really nice liao! So i'm fine with no Minnie print, but, but...!
BUT! Only 4....double layered biscuit...? there's only 4 inside!! laugh die me! 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 what are you trying to tell me Disney! lololol You with your amazing and all sort of cutely packaging tricked us for buying stuff like this.
Feeling cheated at the moment, lolololol but no biggie, we still happy with our purchase~~ since the Halloween tin is limited! hell yeah still happy!

This is the wrapper i'm saying about.
Look at the details in this~!

Strawberry flavor.

#3 KitKat
Today here, we had this Strawberry cheesecake KitKat that come in a Mt Fuji box, bought it from Mt Fuji 5th Station shop. Mad love with this box! so naise and beautiful, totally shout Japan all over!
Taste yummy too! Well duh of course, this is strawberry cheesecake flavor!
But if you asked me, I don't think I will describe it so direct "strawberry cheesecake" taste. It's more like a creamy white chocolate with a little bit of strawberry only, no cheese but it's very sweet.
If you look at the box closely, it suppose to have 9 bars inside, We had 2, my grandma had 1, so that's make 3, and god who knows where all the other 7 went. *sobs* Is a mystery 〣( ºΔº )〣

nevertheless, i feel happy looking at this and the packaging.
Till then,
Have a magical day! °o°
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