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Big Bang Alive Tour Malaysia 2012
You guys are finally here again. :')
and that's the only "nice" picture you will see in this post.

Annyeong! today we're gonna blog about BIGBANG ALIVE TOUR in MALAYSIA like we promise :)
FINALLY! The long awaited day has arrived! After spending the whole night making our own VIP crown headband (which is a total dumb idea,many people were selling them) and a mini banner (that eventually got soak in the rain). We ended up sleeping really late that night.

Just SHOOT and RUN!

Players of the day will be :
Us, May, May couz and their friend & Basket Ball Buddies

Hey peepos, is been a while. Supposed to blog bout our BB alive tour experience last Saturday (which is awesome btw) but we hafta put that post on hold, since we're still have writing on it.

I'm sooo sorryyy. *kneel down and beg for forgiveness* Don't worry, we promise we will update it, SOON. So the post for today will come face to face with your enemies. GET ready to battle people, is PAINTBALL time!