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Is almost a week and we still have the SIMPLE PLAN fever!!! I  SIMPLE PLAN!

Simple Plan GYHO was their 3rd concert in Malaysia and it was held in KL LIVE, all thanks to the organizer, JS concert production and Fat Boys for bringing our childhood heroes! We hope they will have their 4th concert SOMEDAY ! We'll be definitely waiting for it!

Cant Get My Hands on Simple Plan Tickets!

We're a big fan of Simple Plan since "im just a kid" and I always joke with my sister, if *insertcelebnamehere* is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! She paused.

But most of the time, when i asked, if Simple Plan is coming to Malaysia, will you attend to their concert?! and without hesitation the answer will always be YES YES YES YES YES!!! YES x1000000000 times! "I can wait forever"!  for that day to come :D