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Nightmare Before Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle

Nightmare Before Christmas Jigsaw Puzzle (Tenyo Japan)
1000 pcs
Difficulty : 2/5 

The Complete Puzzle (Sorry my camera could only capture the middle part)
We'd completed da puzzzleee !!!! woohoo~ So..what cha think? Does it look cool xD haha.
Anyway, we need to thanks my cousin for giving me this wonderful puzzle during our 12th birthday and.. my family! who helped us. =D

Haha, back when we are 12 we use to have a tiny-addiction /collection of NBC item. We just love the idea of Christmas and Halloween. This puzzle or we should say the whole illustration itself is amazing! Here we can clearly see Jack living up to his name as the pumpkin king! With Zero, Sally and even Lock, Shock and Barrel in the picture. We could fell in love with it over and over again!

We also hope that we can finish the another one. =( The one with dolphin *see pic below* That puzzle was so pretyyy !! glows O.O amazing rite? yeah it was... But too bad one of the pieces is already missing. =(

Detail of Jack Head

The Another Puzzel

Till then,
Have a magical day! °o°

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